Friday, March 4, 2016

H54F #10/52

Camellia flowers were beloved by the Victorians, and were given the meaning "my destiny is in your hands."
A true sign of the season changes  camellias in bloom!

MARCH!  Yay for March!  Is it OK to admit that I adore this "gateway" month?  Gateway meaning that it is the transitional month for winter to blossom into spring, short days to grow longer, and temperatures to gently begin crawling up the mercury!

Oh how I love March!

Here's how my month 'o the Irish or whatever began...

Currently Pretending I Am At The Beach - 50 Warm and Sunny Beach Therapy Quotes - Style Estate -

1.  The BEST weather.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
GORGEOUS WEATHER!  I was wearing shorts and t-shirts after work.  The sun was in super bright mode and the skies were Carolina blue (I do have reservations using that term, Wolfpack for life.)  Good weather = Happy Amanda.
Of course now we're freezing with a possibility of snow greeting us this morning but meh next week is in the 70s!!!!

Birthday cake illustration:

2.  The FIRST sleepover invite.

Monday my daughter was a nut job.  Why?  Because she was invited to her first sleepover birthday party.  I'm not a fan of the idea of sleepovers but this is a family I wholeheartedly trust and I know that it will be a super fun time for all the 8 year olds!  I also think the mom is super brave to take on a group of giggling, silly, second grade girls for an extended period!


3.  The BOOKING of a girl's weekend away.

My husband is heading off with his guy friends sometime in the next two months.  I hear its a gambling weekend to help boost the Native American economy of North Carolina.  Well my bestie and I are planning a little escape ourselves!  A weekend with no housework, child referreeing, or wifeyhood.  Just a weekend to decompress and have fun.  I'm so excited!

4.  The UPPING of my work out.

I'm adding more "work" into my workouts.  YAY!  I love pushing myself to the point I want to give up and I just cannot stop.  That's the sign of a good workout, ya know?
On Wednesday I had a fun chat with a lady that is always at the gym when I am.  She only does classes and I said well I only do machines and weights and this was our convo:

Lady:  I feel weird in there.  I get bored easy so I find myself looking around at people while I'm on a machine.  Then I think they think I'm the weird psycho watching them work out when really I'm just so bored.
Me:  Yeah I am very guilty and getting bored and watching other people go insane on machines or while lifting.  Then they see me watching and I smile really big like CAUGHT YA!
Lady and me:  Evil laugh

The way you treat others says a lot about you. Live and love abundantly, and you will be the happiest of all.

5.  The FUNNY in life.

My daughter emailed me - yes emailed me (smh) - "Mama, what is Taylor Swift's email address?  I need to know because I want to talk to her and her talk to me.  Reply fast!  I love you."
See we mom's are supposed to know everything.  Her face when I emailed her back (she emails me from ten feet away) was just so very sad.

My son flushed a Happy Meal toy down the toilet.  Dear hubby fished it out (a long process, it was way down in there.)  So I had a heart to heart with my kids about flushing items down the toilet.  My son (three years old) gives me a kiss and says, "It be OK mommy.  It be OK.  Don't worry mommy."


And here's the recap for the week on the blog!

On Sunday I published the week's menu.  Salsa Verde Chicken (crock pot), lasagna (didn't do it), and pork roast (sooo good!).

Monday had a post in the morning:  List No. 2 Revisited and I shared my Spring Bucket List with you.  Lots of projects going on in A Brownie World's World this spring and we love it!
And the evening post was my weekly cleaning post but with a twist: My take on the popular KonMari Method.

Tuesday is always tasty!  I gave you a bit of a twist on the normal recipe posts and shared a day in my food life.  There was a lot of discussion on this one and I loved it!

This is one of the best NC Travel Bucket Lists I've ever seen including showing other local attractions.  Definitely a must do list!

Wednesday was all about the first two weeks of March in North Carolina.  A few fun and a bit varied experiences to try in NC the first half of March 2016!

Around the Home came back yesterday!!!  Lots of new projects around the house and I let you in on item number on on my Spring Bucket List!

And adding this week:  The pins I'm in love with this week:

Hello Learning!: Stitch Fix #1- March 2015
This here.
Inside Out S'mores Bars
Smore Brownies Anyone?!?!
A line cocktail dresses:
This little number!
I’m so excited about this coming weekend… I’m going to spend most of it with my dear friend and collaborator Radostina. We’re having a sleepover and an early wake up time on Sunday to go to the Alameda flea market. There is also a bit of work involved – you know that secret project I...:
True dat!

Happy weekend, guys!



  1. Omg.
    I have that dress! Just haven't worn it yet!!

  2. What a fun week!! Oh kids say and do the darnedest things! Too cute about T Swift!!! You go girl on your workout and yay for sunshine and a bestie weekend coming up!!! ;-) Happy weekend gorgeous!!!

    1. Happy weekend to you too! I may have to take one of your cocktail recipes on our trip! xo

  3. I have a navy dress like that, except short sleeve!I love it! I love how all my flavors are starting to bud...March definitely is a gateway month! Happy Friday!!

    1. And I bet that dress is gorgeous on you!!! Have a fun Saturday! xo

  4. hahaah, my son (8) has started emailing me too. Yesterday's email was " Mom, please send me more emails" Makes me laugh. Also- I love that last graphic. I need it- in poster form.

    1. Idea - your son and my daughter can be pen pals and they can email each other! This morning she sent me: "Mom, I drew my horse Molly at school. So cool!" Sometimes I respond by popping my head in the room she's in and saying "Way cool. TTYL." Hahaha. xo

  5. Well that seems like a pretty great week ya had there lady!
    I had to laugh at the happy meal toy down the toilet. When my male offspring was little he flushed soooo much stuff down our toilets - I do believe it's a small miracle we still have functioning plumbing. So much stuff.. (smh)

    1. Our plumbing skills are getting legit! Happy weekend fellow NCer!

  6. Yay for a girl's trip, but boo for a Happy Meal toy down the toilet! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I hope your weekend is wonderful too! Congrats on being the highlighter blogger this week that is so much fun!

  7. Replies
    1. Yep I agree. I need it. Happy weekend in the new house!

  8. Aw, that story about your daughter is so cute. If only moms everywhere had T. Swift's e-mail address! :) Have a great weekend!

    1. I can imagine the world would be a happier place if mom's could shoot a note to T Swift and make their daughter's (current) dreams come true. Heck, I would enjoy it myself I'm a T Swift fan too! I hope your weekend rocks out, beautiful! xo


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