10 - Baking cookies with my kids. It can be a bit chaotic as I'm a control freak in the kitchen; these are times that I love most. I love how involved they are in the ingredients and mixing and stirring and dropping. Then they watch the baking process in amusement. This time of year we have on holiday music as we "work" and that makes it extra special. Too soon they'll care very little about creating things in the kitchen with their <eye roll> mama. I have learned to be thankful for this age and these experiences.
11 - Swimming...nothing is so freeing to me or my daughter as jumping in and taking off. I was deathly afraid of the water for 12 years and am I so glad that I got over that fear? Yes! It makes me proud to see my little fish glide around the pool.
12 - Watching my kids grow. Quite honestly, this is not a gift everyone is afforded. I have two healthy and happy (and wild) children. Even though it can be hard on me to accept they are only this age for a tiny blippit of time I am delighted that I get the honor to watch them grow and develop to the next phase, no matter how difficult it may be.
13 - DVR - lame right? It beats the heck out of buying a VHS and remembering to press record!!!
14 - Facebook Messenger - If it weren't for that little service I wouldn't ever get to talk to my husband. All the communication technology makes me wonder how husbands and wives did these crazy shifts twenty, thirty, forty+ years ago.
15 - Hot tea. I'm new to this but I'm really enjoying it. After I got sick a doctor recommended hot green tea to help my stomach recover. I highly recommend it....every day, morning and night.
DVR is the best!!