I have been super blessed to have properly working senses with the exception of some vision issues. Without my contacts I'm seriously blind...legally blind is the term the doctor used a couple years ago. However, that is nothing! I am still able to have it corrected by spending $50 every other month.
My family can taste the flavors of life and feel the soft coat of our dog and heat off the grill. We can hear the songs of birds at 5 AM (and be annoyed.)
My issue with all this greatness is that we take it for granted.
Nothing moves me more than videos of people who have been deaf for years or since birth who are able to hear again or for the first time through cochlear implants. I watch those videos, on the edge of my seat, just waiting to see their faces the first time they hear that loved one's voice.
It moves me like nothing else can.
When you see their facial expression after the hearing aid is on and that first hello comes out of a mom or dad's mouth to a child...I break. I cry. I smile.
I'm reminded how cool God is.
It reminds me that in a world where things have past the point of chaos with mean people and judgement and fear that there is a Maker who is still working miracles and showing us the simple (yet technologically savvy) awesomeness He has to offer if we let Him guide us.
See, I believe all good does indeed come from God. I believe the advancements in medications and therapies that we peg on the doctors and scientists are actually gifts bestowed in their minds by the ultimate doctor and healer of the universe. Even when they don't believe....He gives them the tools to create and help and heal - He's still in the miracle business.
If I compile all the little miracles that fall on me every day - all the things that I take for granted - a safe trip to drop my kid off at camp, my son having a day of no boo boos, my husband making it home from work safely, the air conditioner running without a hitch, the bills being paid for the month, and food at the ready.....I realize all my little blessings add up to a huge, astounding blessing....We're okay.
My post today is a challenge of sorts. Today realize the little miracles in your life and celebrate them. Don't get caught up in what is happening outside those four walls of where you are today. Instead enjoy the sounds of how fully blessed you are...right now.
I would rock Carolina Blue over this too....<from a Wolfpack girl!>
Goosebumps and teary eyes this morning over this video!