Let's revisit....
1 Get my kid registered for Summer Camp. Did it!
2 Make a me day once a week Did better at it!
3 Have some girl time with my closest girls I did get time with Amy!!!!
4 Buy vodka and tonic water Did It!
5 Fish more I didn't fish any more than April.
6 Camp more Yes, we did camp and trip two is in the works!
7 Get our little event planned (you like vague?) As of this point its off for a long time.
8 Attack the laundry room and upstairs closet Laundry room, YES! Upstairs closet, NO!
9 Pound more pavement or dirt or mountains SCORE!!!!
10 Have a 24 hour, kid free, time. Negative, but I did get a free evening Mother's Day weekend! Thanks to my mom.
11 Decide on and begin (if going to) camper renovation Still up in the air.
So I'll give myself an A this month! I pretty much made my goals. Yay!
1. Celebrate the end of the school year!
2. Add swimming into my exercise routine.
3. Buy more from the produce stand next door.
4. Stop looking at the price and buy more organic fruits and veggies.
5. Get my water consumption back in check (a gallon a day has dwindled to half a gallon).
6. Begin a Sunday dinner group. (Joey, you inspired me!!!)
7. Get a bike and ride the bike. (No, not like a cyclist, like for fun with my kid!)
8. Camp!
What are your goals? Share them!!!!
Just found a job, so mine are along the lines of pay a number of outstanding membership fees and maybe rejoin the gym over winter.