I watched the news.
I got seriously angry.
I vent here.
1. Child dies after falling out of vehicle in motion.
What? Really? OK this wasn't in a third world country where cars are a novelty. This was in my own little county in little ole North Carolina.
I want to SCREAM when I hear these stories. I know I learned all about socioeconomic classes and education levels but I had this dying hope that inside each mama and daddy there was some common sense.
Clearly it was just a dying hope.
A kindergartner was killed because she wasn't buckled in and her door opened and mom hit a pothole and the child was ran over after falling out.
Stupidity killed that little girl.
I know we're all given a certain number of days but part of me just wonders if that is really how that little life was to end.
So....in case you need to pass this along to an imbecile that you know feel free to:
Children are to be buckled into their carseats which is to be strapped in by a latched seatbelt. If your child is over 80lbs then you need to make sure their seat belt is on them when the car is in motion. If you have a door that isn't closed all the way you need to stop what you are doing and get out and shut it.
Common sense....common sense.
2. Two arrested for planning to join ISIS.
Huh? What exactly is the draw to be in a mass murdering league? I'm missing it. Maybe its because I came from (perhaps the last) generation who didn't feel lost in a crowd and had initiative and a goal and made friends. The idea of killing people for no reason just didn't seem appealing to us. What happened to peace, love, happiness and a Target card?
I'm really worried about kids. They seem like they have no logical thought processes anymore. Where did the going wrong begin? Technology? Every kid getting a trophy for badminton? Failure to spank because you were afraid CPS would be called for that swat on the butt in McDonald's? Eating McDonald's food?
I'm just confused. My prayer list jumped by 2 million just now.
3. Krispy Kreme to expand.
Now that's a praise Jesus Hallelujah. A little light in the darkness. Maybe that's the issue with the country, more people need a chocolate iced cream filled Krispy Kreme donut and their brains will begin functioning correctly.
4. Josh Duggar apologizes after molestation allegations come out.
I had it in the back of my mind, years ago, that this family wasn't what they were trying so hard to portray. Yes, I noticed the dad is a bit of a pig and mom is a bit of a spineless creature who is ok holding her head down. Their fear of scissors and capri pants also made me question who they were.
Turns out they're like everyone else. Trying to hide something.
So Josh has some problems. He's not the first kid to have those problems (I have seen Lifetime movies) and he's not the last. However, the fact that this kid's actions went swept under the rug show mountains of issues that this family has.
One report said he molested his sisters.
Little Rock, we've got a problem. I'm so sickened that they didn't put him in treatment ASAP. Of course they probably sought out an evangelistic healer who will give a sharp left hook to the head and yell HEALED before they'd go to someone who is a professional at dealing with people who have sexual abuse issues.
Here's the deal....they let him go scott free and now he's a father. He's never been through treatment? He's never had therapy? He's just allowed to be in a place with multiple little children and they think that is just dandy?
No. It's not.
TLC - thank you for pulling the plug on the the Duggars because now that the shovel is in the dirt a lot more is left to be "dug" up.
5. Park service employs dogs to help with geese problem on National Mall.
I really hope the government didn't hire shihtzus or pugs for this. It'd be great if they actually got a bird dog.
I wonder how much they're getting paid to chase geese? Hmmm....how do I apply? I have a two year old little boy who may be more effective than a Brittany Spaniel!
The news pisses me off, so I don't watch. Like...ever.