Thursday, January 8, 2015

Post ONE of 2015

I really went all out with that title didn't I?

Hello, Day 8 of the 2,015th year.  If you go with another calendar I must apologize for greeting you the wrong way.

So its been a little while since I posted and I am really aware of that.  What can I say?  A lot has been going on.  A lot of stuff that you will see in the coming weeks here on the blog.  Yay!!!  I'll be revealing some of this and some of that.

But until I get my hands on a good camera and finish up some small things I thought....why not post something for kicks and giggles.

A lot of bloggers do an introduction or reintroduction of themselves to start off a new year.  I will follow suit.  I'm not going to apologize for what I share because I don't feel like its necessary to apologize for being yourself.  I mean, isn't that what makes the world so flipping awesome?



Ok lets do this....

Image result for netflix

1.  Today I will start my very first Netflix account.  Yes, I'm that far behind the times.

2.  In First Grade I killed the teacher's fish.  I was out of PE because I had been sick.  The mean teacher (she really was a mother of a dog) gave me math sheets to work on and left me alone.  I hated her so much.  I decided to feed the fish.  I had dogs I knew animals needed nourishment.  So I fed the fish.  I actually fed the fish what you would feed a small puppy.  I didn't realize it would kill him.  I was only 7.  He died and I denied.

3.  First grade sucked for me.  Not because of the fish incident but because my teacher was horrible, my parents were really young, and I felt stress for the first time ever.  No kidding....I slept walked my entire first grade year.

4.  My first glasses were Smurf glasses.  They were blue and white and had the smurfs on the side.

5.  I'm an NC born and bred girl.  Seriously....born here, raised here, schooled here, still here.  I have no desire to leave unless its 6 degrees when I wake up and then I think Florida sounds terrific.

6.  I'm allergic to winter.

7.  I do not like beer.  I drank it in college and post college but it never was appealing to me. I drink wine but I don't love it.  I'm a full out liquor style drinker.

8.  I sleep in flannel pants, a long sleeve cotton shirt, a fleece pull over, and socks.  And to think I was a hot natured kid.

9.  I guess my hot temper froze out my body huh?

10.  Cats scare the bajeezus out of me.  I will forever be a dog lover.

11.  I hate buying clothing brand new.  I just feel like its a total waste of time of cotton.  I'm the girl who wants to go through your closet when you feel the need to stock up again.

12.  My kids are awesome and I love them.  However, I don't make them my life.  They are a critical part of my life and I am a critical part of theirs but my job is to raise them right and not worship them.  I feel so alone on that ideology.  And I'm sure many of you will hate me now for being honest on that note.

13.  When in a new place I will sit quietly and listen in on every conversation.  Creepy, I know.

14.  I won awards for poetry I wrote in school.

15.  I hate shoe shopping.  Ughhhh.

16.  Irony:  I think NASCAR is stupid.  The first race I ever went to I ended up meeting my future spouse.  Shut the front door.

17.  Oh, I've been married 8 years - 5 hard ones + 3 good ones = So far.

18.  I love the colors green and grey.

19.  When I'm in the car and I listen to NPR I talk to the radio like I'm the guest on the show.

20.  I have a killer British accent.

21.  I extend invitations to people three times and then stop.  Isn't it their turn then?

22.  I miss having a regular job.  I have to be busy and when I'm not I feel out of sorts.

23.  When I was about 10 years old American Greetings had a pen pal program.  I signed up and got a fab Danish chick who lived in Edmonton, England.  We wrote regularly for nearly 10 years.  Now we're Facebook friends.

24.  Crafting sounds fun....I get the bug every now and then.  A trip to Michael's generally ends the desire.

25.  Sometimes I contemplate going to school to get a Master's and then I vomit.

26.  I hate I lost my Conway Twitty Greatest Hits CD.

27.  Taylor Swift seems insanely down to earth to me and I'm glad my kid can see a female singer who isn't a tramp and has a good business and humanitarian head on her shoulders.

28.  I love to have my nails painted.

See ya later gator!

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