Last week I said I would:
1. Find a mirror for over the mantle.
I did not.
I did however see on a fellow blogger's page she was trying to decide whether to change up her entry way and take her mirror out or leave it in. I loved her mirror, as it would fit our home perfectly, and said she should get rid of the mirror and let me know how much she wanted.
I never heard from her.
That was the extent of my mirror search. I will look at another time...perhaps spring.
2. Feel pretty.
Ok I did this one.
Wednesday of last week I went to the miracle worker Liz and had my hair made grey free (thanks to five gallons of bleach, industrial strength). I also had a fresh cut and boy did that put some pep in me step. When you go blonde and you have chemical water (is the water department out to prove survival of the fittest....wait mine is well water, back up!) and when you have chemical water your blonde can go bad so I bought me some good old lady Shimmering Lights. I toyed with a new flat iron since mine is too small but of course didn't purchase one (Valentines idea love...). I also hydrated my skin really well over the weekend since my skin has went on strike and began drying out and falling off (leper I may be).
3. 10 Minutes of Cardio
Heartbreak ya' pun intended.
I didn't do it. But then again maybe I did?
However, excuses are cheap and mine is cheap but it is honest. I have the death hack. My lungs and bronchioles are like at war with me. I have the cough of a six pack a day smoker. I hate winter. I freakin' hate winter. So here is what I did do. On Sunday the hubs and I spent 2 hours working a tree - this isn't country speak for dirty things in nature. His dad had a tree fall in his pasture and we went over and cut the tree up for use as fire wood. So for roughly two hours I carried logs to the truck and threw them in the bed and I also moved limbs (to a pile my husband told me to move them to and then back to where they originally yeah). No, I didn't complain because I actually enjoy doing manual labor sometimes. So I said I'd do 10 minutes cardio x 7 days...which is like 70 minutes. Instead I spend two hours 120 minutes x 1 afternoon and that's like way more than those seven days so go me and screw that death hack!!!
February is next week and this will return - ten minutes of cardio a day....maybe hehe.
This week
1. Figure out how to manage the recycling.
Ok we have WAY more recycle than trash each week. Our trash company (who strangely enough also does recycle) gives us two bins to fill up for recycle. I need like six and I am not kidding. I had three bins last year but that is too eco friendly and they took my third bin from me. Assholes.
I now have more recycle piling up around the house and I do not want to throw it in the garbage.
So I'm on a mission to be more savvy about packing my recycling so it all goes out on Monday night and I'm not left with half my laundry room decorated in cardboard and plastic that can be turned into new cardboard and plastic products. Or tires...they make tires out of plastic now I hear.
2. Clean out my car.
Since we're back to a two car household I need to clean out my car. When you have two small humans riding with you it is way easy to be a rolling disaster. Hello Goldfish, burger wrappers, juice pouches, used tissues, etc dotting the floor and backseat.
Even though this week we'll be good to get out of the 20 degree range I will be the weirdo cleaning out her car at the car wash that is closed due to the fact the water will freeze as soon as it is shot out of the tube.
3. Go thru the laundry room war zone.
My laundry room has became the catch all (and its only been done like a month). So I am going to strap on a belt of trash bags and recycle bags and donation bags and get that mess cleaned out.
If anyone has a storage box, you know the cute kind that is sorta decorative and sorta porch box, you want to sale hit this girl up.
I found my camera over the weekend. This could mean Brownie World has non smashed phone pictures beginning this week. I said this could mean not this does mean....
Oh its back to work this week. Is it very odd to say I'm kinda happy about that? I really am. I get bored at home for many days in the winter. I hate winter. Winter sucks.
Aww, I'm glad you feel pretty now! Because you are! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I think hauling logs TOTALLY counts as cardio!
Thank you Ms. Royal. You're pretty bangin' yourself.
DeleteAs a former log hauler... it counts.
ReplyDeleteRikki are we the coolest loggin' bitches or what?