You knew it was coming.
We've prepped a schedule for the kids, a vacation, and now we can focus on doing a little self prep for the greatest season on earth. Ready?
Get your pin on. I took to Pinterest to find some cool stuff to take care of our needs for the sexy and sweaty season that lies before us.
Lets go!
We're starting from the bottom and working up.
I hate feet. I do not want your feet to touch me ever. Feet are so important but my lord they can be so disgusting. Who else has been to get a pedicure and you look beside you and its that one person who has those mangled nasty feet. My gag reflex automatically kicks in. Nail fungus, screwed up nails, twisted toes.....I know I am being very shallow but my lord people!
If you don't remember anything else remember Forrest Gump and the whole Lt. Dan message of keeping your feet clean.
Pedicure it people. Go see your favorite nail tech and get those dogs washed and piggies pretty. Seriously - you are wearing flip flops so be accountable for those nails.
Until you have the extra $$$ to get the feet taken care of Pin and Do this:
Ticklish Feet Pedi
Next up is your legs. Love them, they hold you up, of course they don't bare the weight your feet do but my gosh your legs do a lot.
Your legs need attention in many ways. What do they look like? Are they in need of you to find out what getting active really means? Now is the time! Start walking or jogging. Do some weight machines. Give your legs the attention they deserve. It doesn't matter if they are long or short, thick or bean poles.....they do a lot and you need to do a lot for them.
Leg Work Outs for Work
Just exercise people. You need to do it because those crash diets are destined to crash. Find something you can do that will really work you out and use this pin to inspire yourself.
Legs are a fair amount of the body and part of summer is showing off the body and part of showing off in summer is having a certain pretty skin tone. If you are a white girl then you want to be a tanned white girl.
Be smart and do not get in that tanning bed. Seriously, do not intentionally bake yourself into a skin cancer pot pie. Be smart about your glow and stay away from ultraviolet light.
Jergens (get the coupon)
Banana Boat
Nothing drives me crazier than a smoker who tans and refuses to wear sunscreen....hello wrinkles, saggy skin, and cancer - yeah that's sexy.
Got hair? Get a razor or get it laser services. I had looked into laser therapy for my legs and found out I could have legs that look like ground beef for a while due to the treatment so I opted against it. I love Venus and Soleil disposable razors. What about you?
I also have read that the more you moisturize the less you will have to shave. Ok, I'm not sure on that but if you know a secret pass it a long!
Hello tummy. Ok so I strive to get this middle widdled - but having had a baby 9 months ago I'm finding that its not going away at the speed I want it to. I know it will (thanks to adding in Body Pump to my fitness routine and watching my starch intake) but seriously I want it gone yesterday.
I promise to not flash my gut at you if you don't flash your gut at me. Here are some cool suits for people with non Jennifer Aniston abs....
Oooh la la
Now with those being shared and the middle talk being stated lets talk about boobs. Most people who read my blog are between the ages of 29 and 54. It is safe to say if your boobs are your boobs then they have had quite a life. If you've had babies your boobs have been through the ringer. As you have aged your boobs have found new ways to hang out. So lets talk about boobs and clothes this summer.
1. Keep your big boobs contained. I have big boobs and I do not wear tops for A cups. The common sense region of my brain says bad idea.
2. Even if you aren't a D cup, you need support. All boobs can start feeling low and looking down, support the girls. No one wants to see your itty bitty saggers.
3. Leave some things to the imagination. I don't care what size bra you are, I don't want to see your nipples, I don't want to see your side boob, I don't want to see the complete top of your boobies. I don't care if its man made or real - if I want to see boobies I'll excuse myself and stare at mine.
4. I know that if you have big boobs you have a bit of a struggle because they have a mind of their own at times. I can excuse that but I cannot excuse bad choices....and neither can anyone else. (Except the perv at the gas station)
Hand it over!
Your hands will suffer from all the heat, water, and dirt you dig in in the summer. Get a manicure or at least moisturize every day.
Summer Hand Repair
Just like your legs your arms need some attention. I'm working on getting my triceps awakened and working again. I cannot stand the double wave I get when saying goodbye to someone - the hand waves and where the triceps should be there is a flapping. Gross!
Tricep Dips for the flapping wave
Pretty, strong arms are is the pretty shoulders and back. Don't you have some goals or am I alone? Don't let me be alone!
Your Face!
My brother used to say that all the time - Your Face!
I don't get it but whatever.
Your face is so pretty! Take care of it. Unfortunately, summer brings zits, blackheads, pimples, wrinkles, freckles, dry patches, oil slicks, crazy shine....ok so summer makes you a teenager again! Wow that's awesome - right?
Here are some pins for healthy faces in the summer time....
You'll want to eat your face.
The mother of all face mask pins need to protect that money maker from the sun. That means you need to go shopping - yes I told you to go shopping. On your list you must have the following:
All & Total You
The duh-i-know-this moment:
Wear sunscreen. Just use it to moisturize in the morning, find a self tanner that also has sun defense in it, do not skip this step. I don't care if you are already dark complected - skin cancer loves all women, men and children.
Limit your total exposure time. Yes, you want to lie by the pool all day but its not good for your skin. You need to watch that sunshine and that clock. Peak sun hours are 10am-4pm don't spend the entire six hours baking - limit it! Go in make a snack, watch a show, do some laundry, just get out of the sun some.
Scope your body out for bad moles. Just do it.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate - with water not Diet Soda. If you lose it (sweat) you need to replace it (water). That is the most basic health tip for summer (besides applying sunscreen) so I expect you to be smart enough to do it!
All the pins are on a board I have up that says Blog 5.15 - pictures are all from the board as well! Thanks Pinterest!
Now go get ya summah on babe -
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