When are you the hungriest? And I mean food not trying to get all psychological on you. I have discovered in the warmer months I don't want to eat anything until 2:30pm. I eat a protein bar for breakfast, a light lunch of maybe a salad or veggie sandwich and then come 2:30pm I am ready to eat everything in site.
I seriously think I could eat straight from 2:30pm-7pm and be a happy camper. A happy fat camper.
I get a lot of feedback, in person, in email, on Facebook and Twitter about how more of my readers want to save money but find it hard to do. They ask me to post more on saving and budgeting. So this is for those requests. I was keeping count and had 41 requests. When you have 41 you need to take note and post!
So this is all leading into a little bloggy poo about cutting food costs over the summer. When kids are home you tend to go through more food than when they are at school. When the weather is nice you tend to invite more friends over for dinner. In turn you are invited to more eating "in" events instead of going out to restaurants as well. Today's blog is all about saving you money on food this summer. (So you can buy a few more bathing suits)
I read the average family of four spends nearly $6,000 a year on food from the grocery store. To some that isn't a lot. That is around $115.00 per week. When I lay down that funky beat you are either saying - "Dang that's a lot!" or "Oh that is way below what we spend."
What could we do with $6,000? Pay off some debt? Remodel your kitchen (almost entirely)? Send a kid to college for a semester? Go on a few cruises (if that still tickles your fancy after this bad year for that vacation option)? Put it in an emergency or savings fund and forget about it?
I think we all agree that there is a lot of stuff you can do with six grand that seems more fun than spending it on food. Let's try to cut our food spending down at least 10% this summer - if not more - so we can do more of the fun and or necessary stuff.
First off you need to evaluate your food situation.
What do you already have in your freezer, fridge, and cabinets. People generally fall into either of these categories: got it all but still buying or how am I existing?
If you are a got it all but still buying person then this describes your kitchen:
Freezer stocked with enough food to open your own K&W Cafeteria (NC/SC readers know this)
Pantry stocked with enough food to feed your family for three months if not longer
Fridge looks like a community cool bar with all the fixings for fresh salads, sandwiches, beverages, etc.
These folks will continue to grocery shop to keep their stock pile growing. They love deals and do not ever want to experience food scarcity - not even for 24 hours. Many times they are couponers who get a lot of stuff for free. If we flip the coin they may have experienced a time in life when they didn't have food easily accessible. Or they just don't keep any track of what they are buying.
These are folks who you want to be your neighbors - if you run out of something you can run over and get some from them.
If this is your description you need to immediately take inventory of everything in your kitchen and sit down (with a glass of wine or a beer) and create some meal plans and skip a grocery trip or two. It won't kill you to miss out on that shopping trip for food.
Now to the how am I existing people....like me.
This is the population who have either a very random assortment of grocery items in their pantry. An extremely limited freezer (no real stock pile maybe a pack or two of something in there). The fridge consists of just the basics (think: eggs, milk, juice, mayo).
You can get really creative with your meals because you just don't have a lot in your kitchen. (Mayonnaise sandwiches anyone?)
These folks just don't pay too much attention to their food because they fit one or multiple of these bills - eating out a lot, they don't eat a lot period, they don't spend money on food for the home, they don't have the money for food. I had stockpiled but now it is all weathered down and I am in need of a good trip to the store.
A very large percentage of the population is in this boat.
Figure out what description fits you and then read forward.
Formulating a grocery plan is key to making that dollar of yours stretch. It doesn't take too much time to do this and you can do it on your front porch while you sip your electric lemonade.
Take out a pen and paper and write down the next seven days. Include on each date: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks. Write your budget figure (i.e $50).
As you look at your days of the week write down any times you won't be eating at home. (I don't cook on Thursdays because it is dance night.) Also consider what nights you'll be in a crunch and will need easy go to meals (Red Barron night?). Remember that any time you are going to a barbecue you may not need to fix anything more than a side and dessert so write that down.
Grab your kitchen inventory list.
Get your computer and go to Pinterest or Yummly and find some good recipes that you want to try. The key is to find overlapping recipes - that means the recipes call for some of the same items. This will cut down on costs immensely.
Keep in mind this is grilling season! Find things you can fix out on the grill (if you prefer) or foods that are quick and won't heat up your house by overworking your range.
Remember this is also the growing season so be sure to include vegetables and fruits - they are the cheapest this time of the year.
Write down or print off recipes and compare them.
Mark off things you already have in stock that you don't need to purchase.
Match your coupons to these items. The average person only uses four coupons in a grocery trip so don't expect to match everything to one - unless you are a coupon genius.
Write down ballpark figures on how much each item is with/without the coupon.
Tally it up and see about how much you are spending.
(With meat you may need to ballpark the average price you are willing to spend, meat is expensive.)
Create your formal list for your trip. Throw your reusable, dust collecting bags in your passenger seat, go by the ATM and get cash for your trip put it with the coupons you are using.
If you are a lazy planner you can use any of the great couponing websites. I love Moola Saving Mom. (This is regional, for my readers in the Midwest you may need to check into coupon sites for your area.)
Southern Savers is also a favorite.
These mamas spend time configuring savings for you at grocery stores, Walmart, and drug stores. They also link you to coupons or have databases of coupons for you to link to and print.
When you shop here are some tips:
Look at what is in your cart.
Are you buying tons of processed foods? If so you need to put the brakes on those purchases. Look, I love Little Debbie to pieces. She is cute and delicious and makes me happy. However, she is also an agent of Satan with her empty calories, loads of gluten, over the top sugar rating, and the way she keeps my middle my middle.
Opt for smarter snacks that cost about the same as a box of Fudge Rounds. Be smart and read the labels to make sure what you think is a better nutrition choice really is. Tons of food that say "good for you" or "healthy" is anything but. It is best to buy a big bag of snacks and divvy them into smaller portions in reusable containers.
Are you loading up on sandwich meat from the sandwich meat/breakfast meat section of the store? Step away. If you knew what that stuff was, ewwww! The "meat" you buy for your sandwiches over by the meat case is normally not anything you need to eat. It is a paste made from leftover meats that they can manipulate to make it look like "fresh turkey" & "delicious ham" when really it is a pink goo that they shoot out of a cake icing decorating look a like tool.
Opt for deli meat straight from the deli!!! Novel idea. That is the real deal. You may say - but it is more expensive there and this is about saving money. Well chickadee you are correct - sometimes it is more expensive but health wise it is a better option.
If you shop at Food Lion I have found that the kiosk at the door offers me coupons on meat from the deli and in my past two visits I received seventy-five cents off at the deli counter ($4.25) and then the next trip was $1.50 off at the deli counter ($3.50). Be smart.
Do your trips consist of more food from the aisles than from the perimeter? This is a duh/heard this before question. If you are doing the bulk of your shopping from the aisles in the middle of the store then you are killing your wallet. You think you are getting great deals and good foods but you are getting crappy deals (ok unless you are a coupon god who gets everything in a box or can for free) on crappy food. What should you buy from the center of the store? Here's a good breakdown:
1. Canned fruits and veggies - just rinse them when you remove them from the can.
2. Coffee and tea
3. Baby products
4. Plastic/Paper Products
5. Cleaners
Notice we didn't say - Captain Fruit O's, Pop Farts, Chips, Cookies, Brownie mix, Soda.
So here's where I go all Brownie on you - yes it is summer and I love me some Salt n Vinegar chips when its hot out and I'm pooling it. I will totally buy a bag and a bag of Wavy Lays for my husband. The catch: I won't buy some every trip because my diet does not consist of Salt n Vinegar chips. It is a special buy for a weekend of play. Keep reading.
Everything we need is on the perimeter of the store. Fruits/Veggies are the first thing you find when you walk into a store. You need the most of those. Go pin some cool things to do with fruits and veggies on the grill.
The deli/bakery is commonly nestled in the produce section. Take advantage of this. Buy fresh bread and see all the options you have when choosing from this area. Sugar free, gluten free items abound in bakery. Go for the "Oops" cart to get better deals because they baked more than they needed. Get your buns for grilling here too.
The meat counter is next - shop wisely. Look for markdowns. Look for clearance meat, it may be nearing the date the store cannot keep it past but you can take it home and throw it in the freezer and be safe. So many people are afraid of pink label meat - it hasn't went bad folks! Stores can only keep meat a certain number of days before they have to rid it out. That is a bonus for a smart shopper. Take advantage of the deal and stock your freezer. Last year I got two thick rib eyes for $2.52, regular price was $16.00. (Food Lion) Meat is always best bought at the wholesale clubs like Sam's. I prefer to buy my meat there because you can get large quantities for the freezer - at great prices.
The dairy case - I do not spend a lot of time here. I grab yogurt and that is about it. If you have milk drinkers then you know the drill on buying milk. Harris Teeter is awesome with milk sales. They run so many specials with milk being under $2.99 (eVic members). Do not buy it at Walmart, it is never on sale. Walgreens also runs good milk sales a few times a month. I don't buy cheese (calories I don't need) but if you do use coupons, I have seen tons out there for cheese. While we're at it, get real cheese and not cheese product. Those individually wrapped squares are disgusting.
Beer and wine - grocery stores have the best beer sales. This is the drinking season (so is fall, winter, and spring) so take advantage of grocery store summer pricing on alcohol if that is your fancy. I have found better wine prices at Walmart on the wine brands I like from the stores (Barefoot, send to me).
Action Alley is a term that box stores used in the 80's and 90's for the area of the store (normally the main walk thru) that has displays in the center that offer "big savings" - grocery stores use this idea too. Food Lion is set up to have their "best buys" as you walk in and towards the produce section. Harris Teeter has theirs on one end of the store. Lowes Foods has there's spread about. Walmart still keeps theirs on main walk thru areas. Check these areas for the junk you want. If you coupon you can get extra savings.
Discontinues Rock! At Lowes Foods discontinued items are generally at the back of the store, close to bathrooms, or Employee Only doors. They also put frozen items that are discontinued in an end-cap freezer case at the bottom of the freezer. Food Lion places their discontinued items near the freezer section. Harris Teeter has their discontinued bin close to the registers. Discontinued can mean many things such as: a) change in packaging b) the store has decided to no longer carry the item c) the manufacturer has stopped making the product d) seasonal item e) the shelf life expiration date is within 3-6 months.
For extra savings remember you can use your coupons on items in the discontinued bin.
Another money saving tip for you: Lowes Foods gives you a nickle off your purchases for every reusable shopping bag you bring in and they use.
Food Lion offers MVP members coupons via email and at the kiosk at the store's entrance.
Harris Teeter and Lowes Foods do Super Double Coupon weeks where they will double coupons up to $2. (That means your $2 off coupon is a $4 off coupon for that week.) P.S. Harris Teeter is doing that promotion now.
Also HT & LF double coupons up to .99 every day. You know this, I know.
Last - set reasonable budget goals. This is so important. If you are a family of four with a baby in that head count you know you're going to have to buy something baby - it may be formula, food, diapers, wipes, butt cream, etc. Figure that in. You really cannot fight the increase in spending when you have a tiny human in the home. However, you can shop smart with coupons for the baby purchases.
If you have a true food allergy in the home you have to accept that that may bring in an extra cost as well. There is a huge market for food allergy shoppers now and unfortunately it is a scamming market of increased ridiculous pricing. Look for coupons or just steer away from the food that has the allergen.
Say you have been spending $100 each week at the grocery store. Let this be the week you say, "I'm only spending $90." After that is successful shoot for $80 per trip.
Lastly, just be realistic. After you know what is in your kitchen and you have inventoried do not buy more of what you have ten containers of. Hoarding is a problem and you do not need thirty seven bottles of barbecue sauce or seventy-six tubes of Colcrest Tooth Polish.
And because I'm all about passing along a little happy: If you have coupons and you aren't going to use a couple you have in your hand while cruising the store, how about leaving them for the shopper who needs them (especially if they are near expiration)? I cannot tell you how cool it was when I left a diaper coupon by the Huggies and a lady found it and gave the legendary fist pump as she threw the diapers in her cart and got the coupon I left. I wasn't going to use it, she obviously could use it so in a way I did a good, simple deed.
Your money saving mama friend -
Share this so others can save $$$
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Don't Go Crazy Go Creative!
I hear you have house guests for the summer. Your children!
That's how it feels when the kids are out of school for the summer. Yes, they live with you but they have never lived with you as much as they do when school is out for the balmy season.
Preschool parents thought this wasn't a big deal. The big deal about school being out would hit that first summer you experience between kindergarten and first grade. Ha....ha....ha.
First off I am so glad that the good Lord above granted me the brains to space my kids out more than one or two years since I'm doing this whole stay at home mom gig. If I were cut from the stair step baby having cloth I'd be in a dark dark place right now. For those of you who wear that dress - go on with ya bad selves and sport it with some high heels.
I have a five year old and a nine month old. My five year old is awesome sauce. She helps with the baby and plays with him (mainly teacher because she's always reading to him and cool stuff that really helps me out). I do not have to entertain my five year old constantly. Constantly is the key word!!!
Here's the deal pickles....babies are easy. They like to watch the older kids play, they like to beat the floor with wooden spoons, they like to have staring matches with dogs. Babies are easy. When that baby stage ends and they are toddlers or preschoolers then its GAME ON.
My five year old is a school age kid. Do you know what that really means? That means she wants to be in constant motion. We do not veg out here....we constantly stoke the coal burning train that is running circles around the mountain of our home. I have to keep her busy, within limits, so neither of us go crazy. Today I share what I do for sanity saving summer at home.
Five is a fun age (four was a fun age, three was the year Satan came to inhabit our home, two was precious, one was adorable). You can have good conversations with a five year old. They aren't limited to the Dora/Diego experience anymore. I have great conversations with my kid. Just yesterday she let one rip while I was fixing her hair and I said, "That's not nice, C. What do you say?" To which she said sorry then asked the million dollar question: "Is kindergarten a fart free place? Sometimes I cannot hold it in mama." Teachers could only wish it was fart free....dear God that smell. Could you imagine tiny humans imploding due to the gas building up?
It is imperative you have conversations with your little ones. Don't assume they can't conversate with you about things other than Barbie Dream Houses and what they built with their Tinker Toys. They can and will and are awaiting the opportunity to chat with you, Mom and Dad.
Here is what we did yesterday to spark some conversation and get some ideas for summer fun in place with:
I find it so interesting how a five year old, who normally thinks out of the box, decides to be totally in the proverbial box when I ask her to list out what she wants to do this summer. I only got a few fun responses - or maybe I should say typical zany five year old esque responses.
While the baby was snoozing we went to the porch and made a Summer Fun To Do List. (As pinned on Pinterest under my To Do May Board.
Engage your kids in conversation. I dare you.
Already I have received a couple tweets and three Facebook messages about what we do to get through the days now that school is out. Just remember routine is the precious stone you cannot live without when small kids are involved.
Here are my weekly go-to plans for my little ducklings:
1. We are signed up for VBS. I know not everyone who reads this blog is into church or even identifies with Christianity but if you do and if you are open to letting your children experience other or just faith in general these are great resources. Vacation Bible School (VBS) is free and offered throughout the summer in various churches across the country. I have never seen a VBS that requires payment - they are all free (and as soon as I type this someone will email and say First Presbybaptistmethoespiclutheran charges!). You get three to five mornings or evenings where your kids can do crafts, learn stories, sing songs, eat a snack, and play with peers. It is a phenomenal resource and snake handling free (I hope). We do two VBS in June and two in July. If you are a stay at home mom you'll love the ones that are in the morning! They give you a breather. I wish I had known about one this week in our area that was in the morning but oh well....
2. We are YMCA members. If I don't go sweat I don't feel good. I don't mean the sweat induced by being outside, I mean the one induced by me working my body. The awesome advantage? The kids get to play with other kids for about 90minutes. They get a break from mommy and a new environment to play in and I get healthy. Being members means we also have the advantage of putting the kids in camps through out the summer at a reduced rate. This year we are doing swim lessons to build confidence in the water (baffles me, kid can swim but has zero confidence). They'll take a week and be a good thirty minutes reprieve for us both.
3. The library loves kids. They may not like the loudness of children but they love the kids in there, reading, and taking part in their summer reading programs. These are also free (yes, I know I'm sure the charge in Texarkana or where ever). Our library offers free movies on the projector screen (bring lunch and a blanket), magicians, all kinds of fun stuff for kids.
4. City and County parks are generally free. Need I say more? We like to go early in the a.m. before the heat kills the ability for a five year old to function.
5. Pools should not be passed up. We are totally blessed to have our own pool (well my mom's) and go whenever the need arises (yes need people). Look into a membership to a private pool if you don't have one to maintain yourself (and you don't want that)....it will be worth your time!
6. There is no "stay inside" ideology in this house. Who really wants to be cooped up in a house with kids? Only someone who is mentally off balance. Get the heck outside. Lather on the sunscreen, fill up a kiddie pool, get out the sidewalk chalk, pull out the library books and enjoy the gift of summer. You can even eat out there! Kids do not need television to survive. Trust me.
7. Just like the way kids think outside the box so do parents. What is something fun you can do with your kids but you've been leery about? Buy some finger paint and large bolts of paper and let them paint the paper outside, or better yet do a pudding paint! Invite others over so the kids have a new diversion - a different playmate! Get on Pinterest....I guess its the new thinking out of the box addiction.
8. Buy them a classic toy that may not fit the mold of your kid. For example, my little girl is all ballerinas/fairies/mermaids/princesses. However, if you take away her Legos she is lost. Legos are exceptional toys - they stimulate so much in the brains of those midget versions of yourself. Drawing is also an exceptional way to play and explore and get that noggin working.
Don't go crazy this summer - go creative!
Share it for all your friends to see.
I hear you have house guests for the summer. Your children!
That's how it feels when the kids are out of school for the summer. Yes, they live with you but they have never lived with you as much as they do when school is out for the balmy season.
Preschool parents thought this wasn't a big deal. The big deal about school being out would hit that first summer you experience between kindergarten and first grade. Ha....ha....ha.
First off I am so glad that the good Lord above granted me the brains to space my kids out more than one or two years since I'm doing this whole stay at home mom gig. If I were cut from the stair step baby having cloth I'd be in a dark dark place right now. For those of you who wear that dress - go on with ya bad selves and sport it with some high heels.
I have a five year old and a nine month old. My five year old is awesome sauce. She helps with the baby and plays with him (mainly teacher because she's always reading to him and cool stuff that really helps me out). I do not have to entertain my five year old constantly. Constantly is the key word!!!
Here's the deal pickles....babies are easy. They like to watch the older kids play, they like to beat the floor with wooden spoons, they like to have staring matches with dogs. Babies are easy. When that baby stage ends and they are toddlers or preschoolers then its GAME ON.
My five year old is a school age kid. Do you know what that really means? That means she wants to be in constant motion. We do not veg out here....we constantly stoke the coal burning train that is running circles around the mountain of our home. I have to keep her busy, within limits, so neither of us go crazy. Today I share what I do for sanity saving summer at home.
Five is a fun age (four was a fun age, three was the year Satan came to inhabit our home, two was precious, one was adorable). You can have good conversations with a five year old. They aren't limited to the Dora/Diego experience anymore. I have great conversations with my kid. Just yesterday she let one rip while I was fixing her hair and I said, "That's not nice, C. What do you say?" To which she said sorry then asked the million dollar question: "Is kindergarten a fart free place? Sometimes I cannot hold it in mama." Teachers could only wish it was fart free....dear God that smell. Could you imagine tiny humans imploding due to the gas building up?
It is imperative you have conversations with your little ones. Don't assume they can't conversate with you about things other than Barbie Dream Houses and what they built with their Tinker Toys. They can and will and are awaiting the opportunity to chat with you, Mom and Dad.
Here is what we did yesterday to spark some conversation and get some ideas for summer fun in place with:
I find it so interesting how a five year old, who normally thinks out of the box, decides to be totally in the proverbial box when I ask her to list out what she wants to do this summer. I only got a few fun responses - or maybe I should say typical zany five year old esque responses.
While the baby was snoozing we went to the porch and made a Summer Fun To Do List. (As pinned on Pinterest under my To Do May Board.
![]() |
All you need is some poster board, markers, and your children. I do think adults should do this too. OH wait we do haha...he he he ugh for non fun stuff. |
Engage your kids in conversation. I dare you.
Already I have received a couple tweets and three Facebook messages about what we do to get through the days now that school is out. Just remember routine is the precious stone you cannot live without when small kids are involved.
Here are my weekly go-to plans for my little ducklings:
1. We are signed up for VBS. I know not everyone who reads this blog is into church or even identifies with Christianity but if you do and if you are open to letting your children experience other or just faith in general these are great resources. Vacation Bible School (VBS) is free and offered throughout the summer in various churches across the country. I have never seen a VBS that requires payment - they are all free (and as soon as I type this someone will email and say First Presbybaptistmethoespiclutheran charges!). You get three to five mornings or evenings where your kids can do crafts, learn stories, sing songs, eat a snack, and play with peers. It is a phenomenal resource and snake handling free (I hope). We do two VBS in June and two in July. If you are a stay at home mom you'll love the ones that are in the morning! They give you a breather. I wish I had known about one this week in our area that was in the morning but oh well....
2. We are YMCA members. If I don't go sweat I don't feel good. I don't mean the sweat induced by being outside, I mean the one induced by me working my body. The awesome advantage? The kids get to play with other kids for about 90minutes. They get a break from mommy and a new environment to play in and I get healthy. Being members means we also have the advantage of putting the kids in camps through out the summer at a reduced rate. This year we are doing swim lessons to build confidence in the water (baffles me, kid can swim but has zero confidence). They'll take a week and be a good thirty minutes reprieve for us both.
3. The library loves kids. They may not like the loudness of children but they love the kids in there, reading, and taking part in their summer reading programs. These are also free (yes, I know I'm sure the charge in Texarkana or where ever). Our library offers free movies on the projector screen (bring lunch and a blanket), magicians, all kinds of fun stuff for kids.
4. City and County parks are generally free. Need I say more? We like to go early in the a.m. before the heat kills the ability for a five year old to function.
5. Pools should not be passed up. We are totally blessed to have our own pool (well my mom's) and go whenever the need arises (yes need people). Look into a membership to a private pool if you don't have one to maintain yourself (and you don't want that)....it will be worth your time!
6. There is no "stay inside" ideology in this house. Who really wants to be cooped up in a house with kids? Only someone who is mentally off balance. Get the heck outside. Lather on the sunscreen, fill up a kiddie pool, get out the sidewalk chalk, pull out the library books and enjoy the gift of summer. You can even eat out there! Kids do not need television to survive. Trust me.
7. Just like the way kids think outside the box so do parents. What is something fun you can do with your kids but you've been leery about? Buy some finger paint and large bolts of paper and let them paint the paper outside, or better yet do a pudding paint! Invite others over so the kids have a new diversion - a different playmate! Get on Pinterest....I guess its the new thinking out of the box addiction.
8. Buy them a classic toy that may not fit the mold of your kid. For example, my little girl is all ballerinas/fairies/mermaids/princesses. However, if you take away her Legos she is lost. Legos are exceptional toys - they stimulate so much in the brains of those midget versions of yourself. Drawing is also an exceptional way to play and explore and get that noggin working.
Don't go crazy this summer - go creative!
Share it for all your friends to see.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Painting up a pretty summer
It is here!!! The unofficial start to summer! If you live in North "by God" Carolina then the true feeling of summer will be here in a matter of hours. If you do not live here and you are going -what?- it is the impending heat of ninety degrees and lots of sunshine. At least that is what is predicted by the glorified man of weather.
I am not going to lie...I am ready for it baby. I love hot, sticky, summers. I cannot really tell you why it is I enjoy humid, hot, balmy, sunny days but maybe it is the fact that in my mind summer signals freedom and happiness and fun memories. Heat ain't nothing if (you don't have respiratory or heart disease I guess) you can shed your clothes down to a pair of shorts and a tank top or just take it all off and jump in some form of water (though I do prefer a bathing suit).
Needless to say, Memorial Day is one of my favorite lazy days just because it pops the cork in the champagne known as summer. (Mmm, champagne, that sounds yummy!)
In previous years I spent my Memorial Day by the pool. I am very lucky in that my mother has a pool at her house. This year had to be the "different" year with her pool still being in shambles from the winter. Friday me and the diva went over to clean up the pool furniture. Unfortunately, the pool isn't in shape yet. Yes, friends this Memorial Day weekend I had to make due with an $8 Dollar General plastic pool, yard chair and a Bud Light (ewww worst beer ever now that I have taste buds something I clearly lacked from 18-28). Making due is making due and it worked for all intents and purposes but I will be happy to move towards the real deal later.
Oh well....summer is "here" let's paint the town.
My husband's vacation ended today as he returned to work this morning. I will not miss him during the day. Ok that's a lie. I will miss him because it was nice having another adult here during the day. While he was off work my schedule totally was blown out of the water. I guess I figured that since he was on a one week vacay from work I was too. I was lax on chores and regularly scheduled weekly must do's. This week will be a challenge huh?
While he was off from his regular work he decided to do some "home" work around this place. Since the remodel is (hopefully) a few weeks away he didn't touch the inside of the house.
Heres' the deal: my husband hates paint. Paint is his nemesis. The idea of picking up a roller or a brush and doing something with it as it was intended to be used is like pouring soured milk in his cereal. He runs from it, gags, vomits, he probably goes into anaphylactic shock when around it for more than thirty seconds.
So why is it that on his vacation from regular work he buys a few gallons of PAINT and heads UP TO THE ROOF of the garage to well.....paint? Then he decides to move towards the play area and paint the roof, floor, and picnic table of it? As if that wasn't enough, Mr. I-Hate-Paint wanted to stain the play area yesterday as well.
In total the man spent probably eight hours painting.
The world ending? Hope not.
I don't care for painting in the house. I have painted many rooms in my life (and by many I mean like four or five --- that's a whole hand almost people, do not judge!) and I have found it to be quite grueling. There's no creativity in painting a wall....it is just roll, roll, roll, then stroke, stroke, stroke. The people who enjoy it must really get a buzz off those fumes.
I have always enjoyed painting for fun. Painting is always relaxing to me though my stuff generally favors the decor of a kindergarten classroom more than an adults home. OK ok a two year old preschool class room.
A couple Sundays back I was invited to a painting and drinking session. Now that is how I roll. A local place called Merlot & Van Gogh in Winston-Salem was the setting. Bring your wine and your snack and for $30 you paint something that resembles more of a good college try at painting than the stick figures you sketched for your five year old.
I had a blast. Then something opened up in my little heart of hearts - I really really enjoyed painting.
Maybe it was the wine that triggered the response. That was my first wine in three months as I had switched to super light beer to curb my calories. It doesn't matter what it was....it was fun and I thought - I can do this. Boy did I do it and my spouse was surprised. Needless to say, I'm booking a Merlot & Van Gogh Session this summer, so if you want to come let me know!
Anyhoo back to how this pertains to this blog post....I am a tightwad. Remember, I introduced myself as Queen of them? Ok now that that is in check let me let you know what is going through my brain on a random Saturday:
1. We're going to remodel our home this summer.
2. We won't get new furniture until the baby is older.
3. I wish we could get new furniture but the baby is a major block on that.
4. I have three samples from Sherwin Williams that I like but we won't be using.
5. I have two tables I could totally play with with paint.
6. Where is my wine.
Here's what I did this weekend:
It is here!!! The unofficial start to summer! If you live in North "by God" Carolina then the true feeling of summer will be here in a matter of hours. If you do not live here and you are going -what?- it is the impending heat of ninety degrees and lots of sunshine. At least that is what is predicted by the glorified man of weather.
I am not going to lie...I am ready for it baby. I love hot, sticky, summers. I cannot really tell you why it is I enjoy humid, hot, balmy, sunny days but maybe it is the fact that in my mind summer signals freedom and happiness and fun memories. Heat ain't nothing if (you don't have respiratory or heart disease I guess) you can shed your clothes down to a pair of shorts and a tank top or just take it all off and jump in some form of water (though I do prefer a bathing suit).
Needless to say, Memorial Day is one of my favorite lazy days just because it pops the cork in the champagne known as summer. (Mmm, champagne, that sounds yummy!)
In previous years I spent my Memorial Day by the pool. I am very lucky in that my mother has a pool at her house. This year had to be the "different" year with her pool still being in shambles from the winter. Friday me and the diva went over to clean up the pool furniture. Unfortunately, the pool isn't in shape yet. Yes, friends this Memorial Day weekend I had to make due with an $8 Dollar General plastic pool, yard chair and a Bud Light (ewww worst beer ever now that I have taste buds something I clearly lacked from 18-28). Making due is making due and it worked for all intents and purposes but I will be happy to move towards the real deal later.
Oh well....summer is "here" let's paint the town.
My husband's vacation ended today as he returned to work this morning. I will not miss him during the day. Ok that's a lie. I will miss him because it was nice having another adult here during the day. While he was off work my schedule totally was blown out of the water. I guess I figured that since he was on a one week vacay from work I was too. I was lax on chores and regularly scheduled weekly must do's. This week will be a challenge huh?
Heres' the deal: my husband hates paint. Paint is his nemesis. The idea of picking up a roller or a brush and doing something with it as it was intended to be used is like pouring soured milk in his cereal. He runs from it, gags, vomits, he probably goes into anaphylactic shock when around it for more than thirty seconds.
So why is it that on his vacation from regular work he buys a few gallons of PAINT and heads UP TO THE ROOF of the garage to well.....paint? Then he decides to move towards the play area and paint the roof, floor, and picnic table of it? As if that wasn't enough, Mr. I-Hate-Paint wanted to stain the play area yesterday as well.
In total the man spent probably eight hours painting.
The world ending? Hope not.
I don't care for painting in the house. I have painted many rooms in my life (and by many I mean like four or five --- that's a whole hand almost people, do not judge!) and I have found it to be quite grueling. There's no creativity in painting a wall....it is just roll, roll, roll, then stroke, stroke, stroke. The people who enjoy it must really get a buzz off those fumes.
I have always enjoyed painting for fun. Painting is always relaxing to me though my stuff generally favors the decor of a kindergarten classroom more than an adults home. OK ok a two year old preschool class room.
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My little masterpiece lol |
I had a blast. Then something opened up in my little heart of hearts - I really really enjoyed painting.
Maybe it was the wine that triggered the response. That was my first wine in three months as I had switched to super light beer to curb my calories. It doesn't matter what it was....it was fun and I thought - I can do this. Boy did I do it and my spouse was surprised. Needless to say, I'm booking a Merlot & Van Gogh Session this summer, so if you want to come let me know!
Anyhoo back to how this pertains to this blog post....I am a tightwad. Remember, I introduced myself as Queen of them? Ok now that that is in check let me let you know what is going through my brain on a random Saturday:
1. We're going to remodel our home this summer.
2. We won't get new furniture until the baby is older.
3. I wish we could get new furniture but the baby is a major block on that.
4. I have three samples from Sherwin Williams that I like but we won't be using.
5. I have two tables I could totally play with with paint.
6. Where is my wine.
Here's what I did this weekend:
Friday, May 24, 2013
Retiring the bookbag
There is a little green book bag hanging in the hallway. It has three little apples on it. It is very small because it is meant to be carried by a little girl. A little girl who bounces when she walks because she's a bubble of happiness and optimism. She sees the beauty in all things and knows this world is good. She wants to learn and grow and cannot wait to be ten years old because to her that's the magic age.
That little green book bag was purchased in the summer of 2011. Her Nana bought it for her. She was starting preschool and this was her very first book bag. She was so excited to go to school and be a big girl. I wrote her name on the back of that book bag with a Sharpie in my best block penmanship.
The first day she wore that book bag she was nervous. What would they do? Who would be there? Would her teacher be nice? We walked the cement into the basement classroom, she was excited and I was filling up with tears. It was just a step along the way but to us both it was a mighty one. When I picked her up at lunch she was bouncing and smiling. She was happy. She loved school.
That book bag has carried the most incredible love notes in the form of four and five year old art....it has carried proof of growing up by producing worksheets that were completed and checked off.
Another year of preschool and another year of the book bag on her back. She loved to wear it - even after school. She still loved school though now it was different than before. New place, new teacher, new methods. She made new friends and each day unpacked her bag to show me her sheet of the day with a smile on her face.
Today that book bag is being retired. After two good years it has completed its work of being a school bag and now will turn into a pack for day trips and overnight stays. A chapter has closed in the progression towards growing a bit older.
My beautiful little girl is leaving behind the protection of prayers at preschool to enter into the world that we have spent nearly six years preparing her for. This new world will not be like preschool - it will show her just how different the world out there is as compared to the protective bubble we have made for her. She'll once again make new friends and adjust to new atmospheres. She is no longer my itty bitty girl but my school girl.
The next three months are critical to us. They are the last bit I have before the weight of going to "real" school begins. I feel like it is my last grasp on having a baby girl. I will hold her tight and then come late August that grip will be loosened a bit as she goes into a brand new world of bold colors, bigger numbers, and the tiny steps to self ownership.
It is part of the natural cycle of growing up and therefore I will not fight it. I am not the first mom to feel pangs in my heart of my precious baby preparing to enter school. I am blessed I had this amazing time in her life to be by her side and enjoy each offering the preschool years gave us. Though I'm not sure if I mean it or not - I feel like I am looking forward to what elementary school will offer her. I am just saddened at the speed at which I know it will pass.
So rock your babies to sleep tonight....
Give your kids that extra scoop of ice cream at snack time....
Play in the sprinkler....
These days are like that tiny book bag.....so incredibly cute, covered by a beautiful eagerness to be filled with knowledge and the time we have with them is quickly flying by.
I love you C Monkey, you make me proud.
Have a terrific Memorial Day Weekend.
There is a little green book bag hanging in the hallway. It has three little apples on it. It is very small because it is meant to be carried by a little girl. A little girl who bounces when she walks because she's a bubble of happiness and optimism. She sees the beauty in all things and knows this world is good. She wants to learn and grow and cannot wait to be ten years old because to her that's the magic age.
That little green book bag was purchased in the summer of 2011. Her Nana bought it for her. She was starting preschool and this was her very first book bag. She was so excited to go to school and be a big girl. I wrote her name on the back of that book bag with a Sharpie in my best block penmanship.
The first day she wore that book bag she was nervous. What would they do? Who would be there? Would her teacher be nice? We walked the cement into the basement classroom, she was excited and I was filling up with tears. It was just a step along the way but to us both it was a mighty one. When I picked her up at lunch she was bouncing and smiling. She was happy. She loved school.
That book bag has carried the most incredible love notes in the form of four and five year old art....it has carried proof of growing up by producing worksheets that were completed and checked off.
Another year of preschool and another year of the book bag on her back. She loved to wear it - even after school. She still loved school though now it was different than before. New place, new teacher, new methods. She made new friends and each day unpacked her bag to show me her sheet of the day with a smile on her face.
Today that book bag is being retired. After two good years it has completed its work of being a school bag and now will turn into a pack for day trips and overnight stays. A chapter has closed in the progression towards growing a bit older.
The next three months are critical to us. They are the last bit I have before the weight of going to "real" school begins. I feel like it is my last grasp on having a baby girl. I will hold her tight and then come late August that grip will be loosened a bit as she goes into a brand new world of bold colors, bigger numbers, and the tiny steps to self ownership.
It is part of the natural cycle of growing up and therefore I will not fight it. I am not the first mom to feel pangs in my heart of my precious baby preparing to enter school. I am blessed I had this amazing time in her life to be by her side and enjoy each offering the preschool years gave us. Though I'm not sure if I mean it or not - I feel like I am looking forward to what elementary school will offer her. I am just saddened at the speed at which I know it will pass.
So rock your babies to sleep tonight....
Give your kids that extra scoop of ice cream at snack time....
Play in the sprinkler....
These days are like that tiny book bag.....so incredibly cute, covered by a beautiful eagerness to be filled with knowledge and the time we have with them is quickly flying by.
I love you C Monkey, you make me proud.
Have a terrific Memorial Day Weekend.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Vacay 2013
Miss me yet? Didn't think so.
I was told that my vacation planning summer prep post was very negative toward South Carolina. I'm sorry - I didn't mean to come off that way. I guess I have that North Carolina arrogance. You know....we can read here. Just kidding! South Carolina is a beautiful state, a historical state, and a yummy state. I just am not a huge fan of Myrtle Beach.
So to make sure that what I typed were my feelings exactly - I decided to take advantage of an offer to come down ---- once more and see if I was wrong.
We have had excellent, wonderful, amazing accommodations at The Caravelle Resort. Seriously guys, this is the place to stay. The staff is great! The rooms are clean. The pools are fabulous. Laundry facilities on site, a game room, work out room, ice cream shop.....it is perfect-o! If you want to spend some loot on food you can dine in the restaurant. You can drink by the pool at the resort Tiki Bar or go to Liquids Lounge for a night cap in the evening. This place is great....it really is. I have no issues with The Caravelle and will stay here again for sure.
It is late May so the vacationing population isn't huge yet. My little girl made three friends in the pool yesterday - score! I believe they spent three hours jumping in, getting out, jumping in, getting out. Lovely break for mommy to sit by the pool and drink her special lemonade and try to veg out. Ok, yeah you can't do that when your kid is in the pool but I was a relaxed alert.
This vacation was a new experience for us because it is the first family get away with four members and not three. Bringing a baby on vacation is an idea that makes one contemplate just how sane they are in the their day to day decision making. They say humans crave schedule and babies crave it like a crack head craves $20. We tried to keep the regular routine going but folks a four - five hour car ride is not ever the norm for this family. Day 1 was not fun. Due to bad weather on the drive down and a couple unexpected detours our 3-4 hour trip turned into a five hour one and that is not cool. When we got to The Caravelle (two hours before check in) they were so gracious and let us go ahead and check in. I swear I heard angels sing when my husband walked out with the room cards!
Another issue with taking a baby on vacation - all the crap you have to take. Now, I'm not a minivan mom. I'm a sedan mama - I fought the minivan pull really hard and now, after taking a trip with two kids only 12-18 inches behind me, I am wishing that there was a paid off Odyssey sitting in my driveway instead of a Optima. Our trunk was filled with a pack n play, beach tent, stroller, bags of snacks and foods for dinner (yes I cooked). Beach toys and pool toys also were nicely placed in the stacks my husband built to make everything fit.
Some of you may be thinking - "Why did she take a pack n play to the beach? She could order a crib to the room" - My response: The pack n play was on the beach with us. After your baby eats seven cups of sand you need to remove them from actually touching the gritty substance they suddenly cannot get enough of. We tried letting him sleep in the pack n play at night - he did it for my mom when I had the flu and when we went on vacation minus the kids - but of course with us he refused to sleep in it. Where did he sleep? In the bed. My husband made a make shift rolled edge bed and he snoozed away in it until his allergies acted up.
And no matter how perfect your packing skills may be you are going to forget something. For me it was the canister of formula. So a trip to Walmart occurred. That was a horrible experience. I hate Walmart enough here! Imagine going to a Walmart in vacation mecca - yes it was the hell you are envisioning. Hundreds of lost souls aimlessly walking around, goo goo eyed, what did we come for? Oh look what they have! Ugh.
Yes, I realize I haven't said much about the five year old. Here is why and please don't be offended. My five year old is perfect. She was the perfect traveler and the perfect vacationer. She was happy, she made friends, she ate when she was hungry, she didn't complain. She is perfect - thank ya Jesus! I would really love to just take her to the beach - leave the men at home and she and I could go have a lovely time together.
Ok, yes I cooked at the beach. We seriously didn't leave the resort at all (except for the trip to Walmart). The trip was last minute and not budgeted so I had to be really cheap on the one thing you blow the most money on.....food.
We were only down for a couple days so here was our menu:
Night 1: Baked Chicken ($1.10 per serving)

3-4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
Canola spray for your dish
Worcestershire Sauce
Mrs. Dash Original
Spray your dish, preheat your oven to 350.
Lay your chicken in the dish, coat with Worcestershire sauce. Then coat with Mrs. Dash (it can get spicy so go by your own desire for spice).
Bake for thirty minutes.
I served this up with Mac n Cheese to the hubby and little lady. I don't eat Mac n Cheese so I ate mine like a rabid beast. It was great!
Night 2: Frozen Pizza night (0.75 per serving)
It is bad for you but hey it is vacation.
Sammiches dang it.
This was a good trip. And then.....(remember that movie...Dude Where's My Car? and then? and then?)
And then we realized it was bike week.
One thing I do not get is why we live in a society that thinks that everything should be separate. There should be ONE bike week for ALL bikers. That's the common sense of my brain kicking in and well a lot of people (like the ones who want three different bike weeks) don't have that section of the brain.
Here's my personal take on motorcycles....give me a Jeep. I can feel the wind in my hair but I can also go climb something, get muddy, or take the kids to the store in it and they think its the coolest contraption ever. My feelings on motorcycles are biased because the majority of the folks I know with Harleys are pitiful. They are trying so hard to be cool when they wouldn't know cool if it side swiped them at a stop light.
Ok I know a hand full of people who are not dweebs but cool bikers as in - "yeah we took a ride on 64 this weekend on the bike" - they aren't the ones who centralize their lives around thinking they are outlaws.
I think that everyone has a tiny piece of them that yearns to be a bad ass. You know, they want to be that guy that women do a double take over and the men take a step back from. The thing is most of the people I have seen on Harleys don't fit that bill. They're trying way too hard to be "cool" - poor things been trying that hard since 12 years old - it is time to give it up. Make amends with the fact you are still a dork and no loud shiny piece of chrome will change that.
Sons of Anarchy is a tv show - not a good way of life. As if that isn't obvious enough.
There is nothing more annoying than being at the beach and at 2am you hear a bike that won't stop. You go look out the window and the bike is stag - in a parking lot filled with mini vans, sedans, and SUVs. The rider is opening up the throttle and there is no other bike/bikers in site. This is why your Bike Week or Bike Month gets a bad rep. You're being a fool. Go to the rally - go to the place where the bikers are hanging out and show off. Seriously, what is the point of revving an engine for an hour in a place where no one gives a crap?
Just an idea. It may get you those cool points you want so desperately if you move to where the bikers actually are.
So we made it home - only to make some changes to the Myrtle Beach statement:
I do not mind Myrtle Beach because the Caravelle rocks so much.
My heart still belongs to the NC Coast.
Be good to one another -
Sharing is caring.
Miss me yet? Didn't think so.
I was told that my vacation planning summer prep post was very negative toward South Carolina. I'm sorry - I didn't mean to come off that way. I guess I have that North Carolina arrogance. You know....we can read here. Just kidding! South Carolina is a beautiful state, a historical state, and a yummy state. I just am not a huge fan of Myrtle Beach.
So to make sure that what I typed were my feelings exactly - I decided to take advantage of an offer to come down ---- once more and see if I was wrong.
We have had excellent, wonderful, amazing accommodations at The Caravelle Resort. Seriously guys, this is the place to stay. The staff is great! The rooms are clean. The pools are fabulous. Laundry facilities on site, a game room, work out room, ice cream shop.....it is perfect-o! If you want to spend some loot on food you can dine in the restaurant. You can drink by the pool at the resort Tiki Bar or go to Liquids Lounge for a night cap in the evening. This place is great....it really is. I have no issues with The Caravelle and will stay here again for sure.
It is late May so the vacationing population isn't huge yet. My little girl made three friends in the pool yesterday - score! I believe they spent three hours jumping in, getting out, jumping in, getting out. Lovely break for mommy to sit by the pool and drink her special lemonade and try to veg out. Ok, yeah you can't do that when your kid is in the pool but I was a relaxed alert.
This vacation was a new experience for us because it is the first family get away with four members and not three. Bringing a baby on vacation is an idea that makes one contemplate just how sane they are in the their day to day decision making. They say humans crave schedule and babies crave it like a crack head craves $20. We tried to keep the regular routine going but folks a four - five hour car ride is not ever the norm for this family. Day 1 was not fun. Due to bad weather on the drive down and a couple unexpected detours our 3-4 hour trip turned into a five hour one and that is not cool. When we got to The Caravelle (two hours before check in) they were so gracious and let us go ahead and check in. I swear I heard angels sing when my husband walked out with the room cards!
Another issue with taking a baby on vacation - all the crap you have to take. Now, I'm not a minivan mom. I'm a sedan mama - I fought the minivan pull really hard and now, after taking a trip with two kids only 12-18 inches behind me, I am wishing that there was a paid off Odyssey sitting in my driveway instead of a Optima. Our trunk was filled with a pack n play, beach tent, stroller, bags of snacks and foods for dinner (yes I cooked). Beach toys and pool toys also were nicely placed in the stacks my husband built to make everything fit.
Some of you may be thinking - "Why did she take a pack n play to the beach? She could order a crib to the room" - My response: The pack n play was on the beach with us. After your baby eats seven cups of sand you need to remove them from actually touching the gritty substance they suddenly cannot get enough of. We tried letting him sleep in the pack n play at night - he did it for my mom when I had the flu and when we went on vacation minus the kids - but of course with us he refused to sleep in it. Where did he sleep? In the bed. My husband made a make shift rolled edge bed and he snoozed away in it until his allergies acted up.
And no matter how perfect your packing skills may be you are going to forget something. For me it was the canister of formula. So a trip to Walmart occurred. That was a horrible experience. I hate Walmart enough here! Imagine going to a Walmart in vacation mecca - yes it was the hell you are envisioning. Hundreds of lost souls aimlessly walking around, goo goo eyed, what did we come for? Oh look what they have! Ugh.
Ok, yes I cooked at the beach. We seriously didn't leave the resort at all (except for the trip to Walmart). The trip was last minute and not budgeted so I had to be really cheap on the one thing you blow the most money on.....food.
We were only down for a couple days so here was our menu:
Night 1: Baked Chicken ($1.10 per serving)
3-4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
Canola spray for your dish
Worcestershire Sauce
Mrs. Dash Original
Spray your dish, preheat your oven to 350.
Lay your chicken in the dish, coat with Worcestershire sauce. Then coat with Mrs. Dash (it can get spicy so go by your own desire for spice).
Bake for thirty minutes.
I served this up with Mac n Cheese to the hubby and little lady. I don't eat Mac n Cheese so I ate mine like a rabid beast. It was great!
Night 2: Frozen Pizza night (0.75 per serving)
It is bad for you but hey it is vacation.
Sammiches dang it.
This was a good trip. And then.....(remember that movie...Dude Where's My Car? and then? and then?)
And then we realized it was bike week.
One thing I do not get is why we live in a society that thinks that everything should be separate. There should be ONE bike week for ALL bikers. That's the common sense of my brain kicking in and well a lot of people (like the ones who want three different bike weeks) don't have that section of the brain.
Here's my personal take on motorcycles....give me a Jeep. I can feel the wind in my hair but I can also go climb something, get muddy, or take the kids to the store in it and they think its the coolest contraption ever. My feelings on motorcycles are biased because the majority of the folks I know with Harleys are pitiful. They are trying so hard to be cool when they wouldn't know cool if it side swiped them at a stop light.
Ok I know a hand full of people who are not dweebs but cool bikers as in - "yeah we took a ride on 64 this weekend on the bike" - they aren't the ones who centralize their lives around thinking they are outlaws.
I think that everyone has a tiny piece of them that yearns to be a bad ass. You know, they want to be that guy that women do a double take over and the men take a step back from. The thing is most of the people I have seen on Harleys don't fit that bill. They're trying way too hard to be "cool" - poor things been trying that hard since 12 years old - it is time to give it up. Make amends with the fact you are still a dork and no loud shiny piece of chrome will change that.
Sons of Anarchy is a tv show - not a good way of life. As if that isn't obvious enough.
There is nothing more annoying than being at the beach and at 2am you hear a bike that won't stop. You go look out the window and the bike is stag - in a parking lot filled with mini vans, sedans, and SUVs. The rider is opening up the throttle and there is no other bike/bikers in site. This is why your Bike Week or Bike Month gets a bad rep. You're being a fool. Go to the rally - go to the place where the bikers are hanging out and show off. Seriously, what is the point of revving an engine for an hour in a place where no one gives a crap?
Just an idea. It may get you those cool points you want so desperately if you move to where the bikers actually are.
So we made it home - only to make some changes to the Myrtle Beach statement:
I do not mind Myrtle Beach because the Caravelle rocks so much.
My heart still belongs to the NC Coast.
Be good to one another -
Sharing is caring.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Happy Weekend!
Hey everyone!
I wanted to take a brief second and let you know that next week I will be taking a mini break from the blog.
No worries - I still love it and love your feedback.
Have a great end of May....end of school.....end of spring sports......see ya soon!
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Ended soccer '13 in the rain! She did a great job today, very proud! Be good to your last week of normalcy before the kids are out for summer -
Friday, May 17, 2013
Day 5 of Summer Prep
Little known fact - Sunday will mark the date I met my husband thousands of years ago in Charlotte. Yes, it was already Charlotte thousands of years ago. I met him on a random - and I mean super random - trip to the All Star Nascar Race in Charlotte....er Concord. I'm not a Nascar fan, I could care less about watching matchbox cars go around a toilet bowl. The people I met at the thing were a little more than scary--- and that folks is what makes the world go 'round! Anyway me and my friend were drinking the free beer (ahhh back in the day when that still existed) and staring at all the camo and trucker hats and mullets. We hung out with a Lower Carolina (SC) crew from Columbia then one from Charleston - they were high tech rednecks. Then the race started. Seats taken, boredom abounded. Little did I know a fated bathroom trip would change my world forever. I ended up sitting with some freakshow who had a yellow Nextel (redneck staple of the late 90s to early 00's) and the number 17 sharpied on his bare back (extra major redneck staple for watching loud cars go in a circle for hours on end --- and we think we are superior to cats and dogs ha!). I think my eyes rolled about seventeen billion times and I gave more exaggerated "uh huhs" than ever before in my 23ish years. The killer - he was from the exact place I was from but I had no clue who the hell he was. (Ego kill for him, who cares for me)
To make a long story short - I married a redneck from a Nascar race. He's came a long way from a yellow Nextel and sharpied body art. Thank God.
Life is very interesting and ironic. If you don't think these moments are God's favorite soap opera then you need to take it easy bub and have a two buck chuck.
It is the last day of this week's blog theme of summer prepping. Today is the hodge podge group of things you better go ahead and check on and get on the calendar. Hope some of it works for you, I know not all of it will fit everyone.
Here we go:
1. Swim Lessons
Summer revolves around water. Think about it - pools (water), lakes (water), ponds (water), ocean (water)...water is also a big killer. The most peaceful and purifying substance can rip away a life in a matter of seconds. If you don't know how to swim you better learn now. I went 13 years deathly afraid of water. Fears cripple and take the fun out of life (healthy fears you do need to keep -- please remain scared of some meth ya'll). There is nothing worse than being the kid at the pool party who cannot swim and who sits on the side and watches all the fun. There is nothing more powerless than a parent who watches their kids swim who cannot swim themselves. If that child got a cramp and went down you have to jump in and help not worsen - you can't go down with them.
Swim lessons are not expensive and are available for ALL ages. Check your local YMCA, YWCA, public pool, private pool, swim team - they can direct you in the right location. A lot of folks will offer private lessons in the summer too - check your paper and the net.
Get them done early so you can enjoy the entire summer.
2. Get the mower working right.
In the summer I want us to spend extra money on a family trip, some good food, date night, etc. I do not want to spend money on a mower that I didn't service or keep maintained. I know most of us have been mowing for a month now (ok some of us, we didn't have a mower thanks to some breakage at the end of last season that proved fatal). It is ok - now is the time to hit up the small engine, mower man and let him service your goods (whoa that sounds wayyyy hot ha!).
3. The grill needs your attention.
We never really stop grilling at my house. It isn't weird for us to grill in January but that is a perk of the South. Still, the grill needs to be checked out. Get it really clean, replace any parts you may need (like the pan under the grates), check your propane levels, make sure you have a good cover (making a note of that now, I owe my husband one). Also, check your grilling utensils and please toss out that metal brush, you really don't order burgers with shards of metal in them do you? Freak.
4. Decking and play centers.
If you have a deck (wood) or a children's play center (wooden) you need to scope it out. A few things to look for on the deck - rotten boards, raised nails, bowing of the deck, bee/wasp nests, trip spots. Get these attended to before you start regularly using it again.
The kids play place needs to be assessed and made safer as well. Last weekend my husband pressure washed ours and it is a brand new structure! The reddened, mildew ridden wood is now back to a honey blonde and oh so clean! You can rent a pressure washer if you don't have one and get it clean. Also, check for bee nests on these. Wood play structures are a mecca for dirt dobbers, boring bees, and also honey bees! Remove old nests and if you spot new ones get the kids inside and gown up with your spray in hand. While you're at it check the swings for any rot from the winter and check the slide for cracks. If you have an under side for storage, get it clean and remove anything that can be recycled or needs to be trashed. Cut the grass and check for snakes. Keep it weed eated - snakes aren't cool and guess what....if you live where I do Copperheads are on the up and up this year.
5. Speaking of snakes....
(No this isn't a political rant, calm down) This year in NC we are seeing a spike in the Copperhead population (reported on our local Fox affiliate). If you live in a rural or suburban area you need to check your shrubs. Keep the grasses low, bushes pruned and try not to use pine needles for landscaping. These are all great spaces for snakey poos to hide and bed.
Also, if you have a wood pile or a burn pile (we have bonfires in the summer with old wood....yeah I know not too earth friendly) you are giving snakes a great habitat. Get the wood off the ground and keep the kids away.
Snakes also like rocks and foundation - I cannot tell you what to do to fix that situation. If I ponder upon it I can think of a few duh fixes: 1. Get your foundation sealed. 2. Move the rocks (thinking about larger ones) and if the rocks are part of a structure then fill in the gaps.
Oh yeah...if you have mice you will have snakes. It is called the food chain - snakes eat mice. So if you have noticed Mickey and Minnie visiting you need to just accept that there are going to be snakes around. Luckily, in the rural areas, by summer the mice have taken back to the fields.
6. If you have doggies or kitties keep them safe in the summer.
Know your breed of dog. If you have a smushed face dog the heat can really do some damage to them. My shihtzu cannot effectively cool his air he breathes in (pugs, bullies, poms, and any other short snout dog have the same issues) so he cannot be in heat for a long time. Remember, your dog is your best friend and doesn't want to leave your side so remember his health needs in the heat. Keep their coats in good summer shape - especially a breed that requires lots of grooming. Once again our Bertie gets a summer cut so he is cooled off. Water dogs need some water to make them happy - take your labs to run and swim in the creek.
Dogs are curious and cats are too so snake safety applies to them. I lost a beagle to a snake bite when I was a little girl. Vets say dogs are most likely bit on their snouts while cats get it on their paws. Not all snake bites are fatal but they can kill soft tissue. If your dog gets bit go see the vet.
I could always tell my dogs were bit if their neck was swollen. Scary!
Also, this is the time of year for crazy animals (distemper and rabies) - get your dogs and cats up to date on their rabies shots. Clinics are probably going on now ($7-$10 rabies shot). Animals most likely to have distemper and or rabies: skunks, foxes, raccoons. If you see them out at the wrong time (in the day when they are nocturnal) and or you see them acting strange (walking in circles, falling down, foaming at the mouth, coming toward you - like your uncle Willy at Christmas) then call Animal Control. If you live where I do, get out your 12 gauge or .22 and take matters into your own hands and then call AC.
7. Is your first aid kit packed?
Ok wait....do you have a first aid kit? You need some bandaids, neosporin, alcohol (rubbing, though the fridge should be stocked as well), peroxide, gauze, tape, and after bite. That is the bear minimum. Make your own kit or go buy one.
8. Stock up on tummy meds.
I mean pepto, kaopectate, immodium, ya know the poop pills. Summer is the field day for diarreah. Dairy products and heat are a terrible idea. Go for fruit based treats that are frozen. There are also a lot of covered dish style meals and many of those have a mayo base and that is a bad news gut story too.
9. Turn off your lights.
We have ample day light/sunshine now. Turn off the lights in your house and open your blinds and curtains. Don't give your electric coop anymore than they deserve from you. Remember this is the season to be outside so unplug the computer and phone chargers and go out. Put a clothes line up and refuse to use your dryer. Dryers are great but they heat up your home (just what you yearn for in the summer huh?) and tug on that energy bill. Summer is the best time to lower the impact of your carbon footprint.
10. Plan a get together.
It is summer! The happiest season on earth - get your friends together and fire up the grill, kick back a few cold ones or salty chihuahuas and enjoy friendship, family, food, and fun. Did you know the majority of childhood memories are made in the summer? Yep, its true. Add to your memory bank this year with a massive deposit.
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.
Share, share, share.
Little known fact - Sunday will mark the date I met my husband thousands of years ago in Charlotte. Yes, it was already Charlotte thousands of years ago. I met him on a random - and I mean super random - trip to the All Star Nascar Race in Charlotte....er Concord. I'm not a Nascar fan, I could care less about watching matchbox cars go around a toilet bowl. The people I met at the thing were a little more than scary--- and that folks is what makes the world go 'round! Anyway me and my friend were drinking the free beer (ahhh back in the day when that still existed) and staring at all the camo and trucker hats and mullets. We hung out with a Lower Carolina (SC) crew from Columbia then one from Charleston - they were high tech rednecks. Then the race started. Seats taken, boredom abounded. Little did I know a fated bathroom trip would change my world forever. I ended up sitting with some freakshow who had a yellow Nextel (redneck staple of the late 90s to early 00's) and the number 17 sharpied on his bare back (extra major redneck staple for watching loud cars go in a circle for hours on end --- and we think we are superior to cats and dogs ha!). I think my eyes rolled about seventeen billion times and I gave more exaggerated "uh huhs" than ever before in my 23ish years. The killer - he was from the exact place I was from but I had no clue who the hell he was. (Ego kill for him, who cares for me)
To make a long story short - I married a redneck from a Nascar race. He's came a long way from a yellow Nextel and sharpied body art. Thank God.
Life is very interesting and ironic. If you don't think these moments are God's favorite soap opera then you need to take it easy bub and have a two buck chuck.
It is the last day of this week's blog theme of summer prepping. Today is the hodge podge group of things you better go ahead and check on and get on the calendar. Hope some of it works for you, I know not all of it will fit everyone.
Here we go:
1. Swim Lessons
Summer revolves around water. Think about it - pools (water), lakes (water), ponds (water), ocean (water)...water is also a big killer. The most peaceful and purifying substance can rip away a life in a matter of seconds. If you don't know how to swim you better learn now. I went 13 years deathly afraid of water. Fears cripple and take the fun out of life (healthy fears you do need to keep -- please remain scared of some meth ya'll). There is nothing worse than being the kid at the pool party who cannot swim and who sits on the side and watches all the fun. There is nothing more powerless than a parent who watches their kids swim who cannot swim themselves. If that child got a cramp and went down you have to jump in and help not worsen - you can't go down with them.
Swim lessons are not expensive and are available for ALL ages. Check your local YMCA, YWCA, public pool, private pool, swim team - they can direct you in the right location. A lot of folks will offer private lessons in the summer too - check your paper and the net.
Get them done early so you can enjoy the entire summer.
2. Get the mower working right.
In the summer I want us to spend extra money on a family trip, some good food, date night, etc. I do not want to spend money on a mower that I didn't service or keep maintained. I know most of us have been mowing for a month now (ok some of us, we didn't have a mower thanks to some breakage at the end of last season that proved fatal). It is ok - now is the time to hit up the small engine, mower man and let him service your goods (whoa that sounds wayyyy hot ha!).
3. The grill needs your attention.
We never really stop grilling at my house. It isn't weird for us to grill in January but that is a perk of the South. Still, the grill needs to be checked out. Get it really clean, replace any parts you may need (like the pan under the grates), check your propane levels, make sure you have a good cover (making a note of that now, I owe my husband one). Also, check your grilling utensils and please toss out that metal brush, you really don't order burgers with shards of metal in them do you? Freak.
4. Decking and play centers.
If you have a deck (wood) or a children's play center (wooden) you need to scope it out. A few things to look for on the deck - rotten boards, raised nails, bowing of the deck, bee/wasp nests, trip spots. Get these attended to before you start regularly using it again.
The kids play place needs to be assessed and made safer as well. Last weekend my husband pressure washed ours and it is a brand new structure! The reddened, mildew ridden wood is now back to a honey blonde and oh so clean! You can rent a pressure washer if you don't have one and get it clean. Also, check for bee nests on these. Wood play structures are a mecca for dirt dobbers, boring bees, and also honey bees! Remove old nests and if you spot new ones get the kids inside and gown up with your spray in hand. While you're at it check the swings for any rot from the winter and check the slide for cracks. If you have an under side for storage, get it clean and remove anything that can be recycled or needs to be trashed. Cut the grass and check for snakes. Keep it weed eated - snakes aren't cool and guess what....if you live where I do Copperheads are on the up and up this year.
5. Speaking of snakes....
(No this isn't a political rant, calm down) This year in NC we are seeing a spike in the Copperhead population (reported on our local Fox affiliate). If you live in a rural or suburban area you need to check your shrubs. Keep the grasses low, bushes pruned and try not to use pine needles for landscaping. These are all great spaces for snakey poos to hide and bed.
Also, if you have a wood pile or a burn pile (we have bonfires in the summer with old wood....yeah I know not too earth friendly) you are giving snakes a great habitat. Get the wood off the ground and keep the kids away.
Snakes also like rocks and foundation - I cannot tell you what to do to fix that situation. If I ponder upon it I can think of a few duh fixes: 1. Get your foundation sealed. 2. Move the rocks (thinking about larger ones) and if the rocks are part of a structure then fill in the gaps.
Oh yeah...if you have mice you will have snakes. It is called the food chain - snakes eat mice. So if you have noticed Mickey and Minnie visiting you need to just accept that there are going to be snakes around. Luckily, in the rural areas, by summer the mice have taken back to the fields.
And last - snakes are here for a purpose (to trick us into eating bad fruit!) - they keep the eco system in check. Know your snakes.
If its black it aint wack,
if its ringed its the good king,
if its a copperhead it should be dead,
if its brown or green it isn't mean,
if its in the water swim like an otter.
Yes, I made that up.6. If you have doggies or kitties keep them safe in the summer.
Know your breed of dog. If you have a smushed face dog the heat can really do some damage to them. My shihtzu cannot effectively cool his air he breathes in (pugs, bullies, poms, and any other short snout dog have the same issues) so he cannot be in heat for a long time. Remember, your dog is your best friend and doesn't want to leave your side so remember his health needs in the heat. Keep their coats in good summer shape - especially a breed that requires lots of grooming. Once again our Bertie gets a summer cut so he is cooled off. Water dogs need some water to make them happy - take your labs to run and swim in the creek.
Dogs are curious and cats are too so snake safety applies to them. I lost a beagle to a snake bite when I was a little girl. Vets say dogs are most likely bit on their snouts while cats get it on their paws. Not all snake bites are fatal but they can kill soft tissue. If your dog gets bit go see the vet.
I could always tell my dogs were bit if their neck was swollen. Scary!
Also, this is the time of year for crazy animals (distemper and rabies) - get your dogs and cats up to date on their rabies shots. Clinics are probably going on now ($7-$10 rabies shot). Animals most likely to have distemper and or rabies: skunks, foxes, raccoons. If you see them out at the wrong time (in the day when they are nocturnal) and or you see them acting strange (walking in circles, falling down, foaming at the mouth, coming toward you - like your uncle Willy at Christmas) then call Animal Control. If you live where I do, get out your 12 gauge or .22 and take matters into your own hands and then call AC.
7. Is your first aid kit packed?
Ok wait....do you have a first aid kit? You need some bandaids, neosporin, alcohol (rubbing, though the fridge should be stocked as well), peroxide, gauze, tape, and after bite. That is the bear minimum. Make your own kit or go buy one.
8. Stock up on tummy meds.
I mean pepto, kaopectate, immodium, ya know the poop pills. Summer is the field day for diarreah. Dairy products and heat are a terrible idea. Go for fruit based treats that are frozen. There are also a lot of covered dish style meals and many of those have a mayo base and that is a bad news gut story too.
9. Turn off your lights.
We have ample day light/sunshine now. Turn off the lights in your house and open your blinds and curtains. Don't give your electric coop anymore than they deserve from you. Remember this is the season to be outside so unplug the computer and phone chargers and go out. Put a clothes line up and refuse to use your dryer. Dryers are great but they heat up your home (just what you yearn for in the summer huh?) and tug on that energy bill. Summer is the best time to lower the impact of your carbon footprint.
10. Plan a get together.
It is summer! The happiest season on earth - get your friends together and fire up the grill, kick back a few cold ones or salty chihuahuas and enjoy friendship, family, food, and fun. Did you know the majority of childhood memories are made in the summer? Yep, its true. Add to your memory bank this year with a massive deposit.
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.
Share, share, share.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Demented Thursday
My little C: How old are you, Mom-o?
My grandma: I'm 70.
Whoa nelly ok!
So the return of Demented Thursday is here. Today I loaded up the grandma and we went to her weekly hair appointment. We weren't sure if it was perm day or not so (as is warranted) we worried and worried over whether it would be wash and set or wash perm set. Ok we didn't worry but she did.
Turns out it was just wash and set.
Today was a bleak day in the land of dementia. She wasn't happy at all. Her complaints:
1. Blistered eyes.
2. Impending rain storms
3. Getting old
4. Jars (oh damn)
Blistered Eyes -
She gets in the car and says - "My eyes are blistered." This is alarming to hear someone say this. I did what any human would do I looked at her eyes. They were clear, totally clear, her skin looked fine. So I asked what she meant. "They're blistered!" I couldn't see any blisters and I know better than to try to change any wording so I said, "Well they look great to be blistered." She started touching them and said she put cream on them but the cream didn't come out of the pump.
In my mind I envisioned her using a pump of cream from the seventies and it was now a cement style goo in the antique container. I cautiously asked about the cream. Describe it to me. What does it smell like. When did you get it (knowing she had no clue). See, she has issues with buying any and all kinds of lotions and never using them. Instead she uses what she has had since 1992. Gingerly, I tried to teach her that things do go bad and when they do they can really hurt us - especially creams and ointments. Of course this is wasted breath - she'll forget it or deem me incompetent....irony.
"Do you think it could be allergies?"
Ding, ding, ding! She said it could be she had been told there was stuff in the air that could cause your eyes to hurt. I tried to help her make the connection of pollen, grasses, ragweed, etc and eyes hurting.
Not sure if we got through on that one.
Impending Rain Storms
Dealing with dementia is like dealing with a sourpuss who is sour constantly. Every day is a rain day for her - it could be bright and sunny and seventy-five but she's living in a world where the rain will pour to no end in a matter of moments.
We were enjoying our little drive and it started - "Oh look at all the clouds. I dread the rain."
"It will probably storm later but that's fine. It is pretty now lets enjoy it."
"But it is going to rain. It rains all the time. Rain, rain, rain."
I don't deal well with her rain chatter. I stopped responding. This may be a total kid thing to do but I get so sick of her shitty forecasting. I decided to "rain" on her rain parade.
"The kids are going to play in the little pool today."
End of the rain talk.
Getting Old.
Ok it sucks once you hit a certain age and your best friend is six feet down. I know that, I get it. It sucks big time. Today's outing with her just hammered that whole getting old sucks thing right on in there.
I really want to get her a shirt made that says - "Getting old sucks" - that will sum her up.
I do love her, a lot but watching her fade mentally is just bleak.
Today she wanted to share how terribly tired and worn out she was. This is the same song and dance I get every single time I see her. It doesn't matter if its at church or a two hour visit or a three hour trip to town. It is always the same words and emotions. I am catching on.
I feel like she's pleading with us to know she wants to die. Her ulterior motive is using her words of "I'm so so so tired. I cannot do what I used to. I'm just too old now" to be code for "I'm done here." I know that may seem dark to the average reader but after you experience this disease of Alzheimer's so close you start to understand what all is lost in those hunks of brain the disease has gobbled up. She can't remember but she has also lost so many other strengths in her senses. Her vision isn't on target. She cannot feel, through touch, the way she once did. She cannot get in the car and go off with her friends to lunch. She cannot drive herself to the store to get bread. Her daughter has to give her the medication she needs. She lives in fear and paranoia now. She's got her kids and grand kids but she's in a box all alone and she cannot get out.
Yes, getting old sucks.
I agree.
So you know I had that passion for jars. Well about a month ago I recycled them all except for the ones I needed for a craft I'm doing next week. I decided I didn't need the damned things and if I did I could go buy some Mason Jars and be done with it.
I hope this is prevention.
While feeding my baby at lunch my grandma was adamant that I keep every baby food jar I ever use. I, a jar addict of yesterday, began teaching her, a jar addict of the past and present, that it wasn't necessary to keep everything.
She looked at me as if I had lost my marbles. She then tried to feed the baby french fries.
Then she asked: "Why didn't you order him some food?"
We do have fun times with her. This past Sunday we had a cookout at my mom's. My grandma was pretty tired and pretty loopy. She was happy though. She was smiling and chatting. She has to take medicine with each meal she has. We were all laughing when we were trying to figure out her lunch medicine and she said in the happiest voice we'd all heard out of her - "When you're having fun you don't take your pills!"
Let the record state she said she was having fun.
Til next time-
My grandma: I'm 70.
Whoa nelly ok!
So the return of Demented Thursday is here. Today I loaded up the grandma and we went to her weekly hair appointment. We weren't sure if it was perm day or not so (as is warranted) we worried and worried over whether it would be wash and set or wash perm set. Ok we didn't worry but she did.
Turns out it was just wash and set.
Today was a bleak day in the land of dementia. She wasn't happy at all. Her complaints:
1. Blistered eyes.
2. Impending rain storms
3. Getting old
4. Jars (oh damn)
Blistered Eyes -
She gets in the car and says - "My eyes are blistered." This is alarming to hear someone say this. I did what any human would do I looked at her eyes. They were clear, totally clear, her skin looked fine. So I asked what she meant. "They're blistered!" I couldn't see any blisters and I know better than to try to change any wording so I said, "Well they look great to be blistered." She started touching them and said she put cream on them but the cream didn't come out of the pump.
In my mind I envisioned her using a pump of cream from the seventies and it was now a cement style goo in the antique container. I cautiously asked about the cream. Describe it to me. What does it smell like. When did you get it (knowing she had no clue). See, she has issues with buying any and all kinds of lotions and never using them. Instead she uses what she has had since 1992. Gingerly, I tried to teach her that things do go bad and when they do they can really hurt us - especially creams and ointments. Of course this is wasted breath - she'll forget it or deem me incompetent....irony.
"Do you think it could be allergies?"
Ding, ding, ding! She said it could be she had been told there was stuff in the air that could cause your eyes to hurt. I tried to help her make the connection of pollen, grasses, ragweed, etc and eyes hurting.
Not sure if we got through on that one.
Impending Rain Storms
Dealing with dementia is like dealing with a sourpuss who is sour constantly. Every day is a rain day for her - it could be bright and sunny and seventy-five but she's living in a world where the rain will pour to no end in a matter of moments.
We were enjoying our little drive and it started - "Oh look at all the clouds. I dread the rain."
"It will probably storm later but that's fine. It is pretty now lets enjoy it."
"But it is going to rain. It rains all the time. Rain, rain, rain."
I don't deal well with her rain chatter. I stopped responding. This may be a total kid thing to do but I get so sick of her shitty forecasting. I decided to "rain" on her rain parade.
"The kids are going to play in the little pool today."
End of the rain talk.
Getting Old.
Ok it sucks once you hit a certain age and your best friend is six feet down. I know that, I get it. It sucks big time. Today's outing with her just hammered that whole getting old sucks thing right on in there.
I really want to get her a shirt made that says - "Getting old sucks" - that will sum her up.
I do love her, a lot but watching her fade mentally is just bleak.
Today she wanted to share how terribly tired and worn out she was. This is the same song and dance I get every single time I see her. It doesn't matter if its at church or a two hour visit or a three hour trip to town. It is always the same words and emotions. I am catching on.
I feel like she's pleading with us to know she wants to die. Her ulterior motive is using her words of "I'm so so so tired. I cannot do what I used to. I'm just too old now" to be code for "I'm done here." I know that may seem dark to the average reader but after you experience this disease of Alzheimer's so close you start to understand what all is lost in those hunks of brain the disease has gobbled up. She can't remember but she has also lost so many other strengths in her senses. Her vision isn't on target. She cannot feel, through touch, the way she once did. She cannot get in the car and go off with her friends to lunch. She cannot drive herself to the store to get bread. Her daughter has to give her the medication she needs. She lives in fear and paranoia now. She's got her kids and grand kids but she's in a box all alone and she cannot get out.
Yes, getting old sucks.
I agree.
So you know I had that passion for jars. Well about a month ago I recycled them all except for the ones I needed for a craft I'm doing next week. I decided I didn't need the damned things and if I did I could go buy some Mason Jars and be done with it.
I hope this is prevention.
While feeding my baby at lunch my grandma was adamant that I keep every baby food jar I ever use. I, a jar addict of yesterday, began teaching her, a jar addict of the past and present, that it wasn't necessary to keep everything.
She looked at me as if I had lost my marbles. She then tried to feed the baby french fries.
Then she asked: "Why didn't you order him some food?"
We do have fun times with her. This past Sunday we had a cookout at my mom's. My grandma was pretty tired and pretty loopy. She was happy though. She was smiling and chatting. She has to take medicine with each meal she has. We were all laughing when we were trying to figure out her lunch medicine and she said in the happiest voice we'd all heard out of her - "When you're having fun you don't take your pills!"
Let the record state she said she was having fun.
Til next time-
Summer Prepping Day 4
A little bidney first. I've been sharing my little workout thing with you guys and strive to lose some poundage. Well a big day today - I posted on FB & Twitter. I am wearing pre-pregnancy clothes and they aren't the larger size! I attribute my success thus far to - 1. Drive 2. Determination 3. Body Pump 4. Calories under control 5. Cardio.
I'm an addict - to sweating.
Second - You guys can skip this and go on to drinking if ya want! Some of you caught wind of this issue here about a high school. My gosh you guys its so out of control stupid! I want to preface this with this message: I hate politics. I don't care if it is elephant or donkey I just hate it all. We pay these people to smile and lie to us - sickening. The Bible talks about political systems and it basically says that they are corrupt (I'll get that passage for you asap) yet we need to just go along with it and keep faith number 1.
Ok preface done. I am so over the Republican party. Look, I'm not trying to lose blog readers I'm just venting my feelings and I'm not alone. I am a southern girl who has a moderate view. I come from a long line of straight ticket reps but this girl is not one of those. I'm not an Obama Lover and I'm not a Republican Lover - I'm a common sense, get the job done right girl and neither side seems to be able to understand that.
Today I read that an elected rep for our district in NC - who grew up in this community - voted against education. His mom was a teacher. Slap, sting, burn, ouch. Oh well she's retired what should he care about it. I imagine the undisclosed amount of money that lined his back pocket allowed him to vote to put the control of education in the hands of ill-willed county commissioners. Commissioners who are long overdue for coronary blockages due to the high levels of shit they are filled with. Then again coronary pertains to the heart and these people lack that muscle...they're all just big lumps of adipose tissue wasting society's time and money.
This is why the Republican ticket is falling apart across the board. They aren't out of touch with the mainstream - they just don't care about the mainstream population. They don't give a left foot about what is best for people other than their own buddies and themselves. Notice - it is not just in Washington but in every small municipality across this crumbling nation.
Education down the tube thanks to bad election choices.
I hope the teachers say enough is enough. Maybe Private schools will start paying good money (which isn't hard to beat considering what the government sets teacher pay at) so the teachers can give the government controlled schools a big fat --- forget you!
All I can end with is this - new blood. New blood in the government on the local, state, and federal level. It is time to out every person sitting and get them replaced with fresh ideas, good plans that can come to fruition, and a required -working- common sense area of the brain. You know....bring back the George Washington mentality who felt being paid to be the president was a crazy idea and serving your country to the best of your ability was the basis for your job and your heart was for your country and countrymen.
End of rant.
Lets drink!
Here we go with Summer Prep Day 4! It is all about food and drink so lets get started!
Summer screams out a few words at me:
More tequila!
More RUM!
Then I hear word such as:
Pina Colada!
Holy pepita!
Sometimes other words come to me:
Who is thirsty now? For this special Summer Prep I urge you to get rid of the frilly coo coo glasses and go buy a case of mason jars. Nothing says simple, summer pleasure as much as the glass of the summer. Mason, Atlas, Ball it doesn't matter - they are inexpensive and make drinking iced tea, cool water, or a cocktail that much better. Get some fun straws while you are at it.
Here are some great and cheap fixes for your summer buzz -
Salty Chihuahua
For this you need:
Orange Liqueur
Grapefruit Juice

This is so easy and so good.
First step:
You need some ice in that glass
Second step:
3oz of tequila (it doesn't matter what you buy if you cannot afford Patron grab some Jose....just watch yourself around Pepe he can be pretty gnarly).
1.5oz of orange liqueur (your choice who cares who makes it)
7.5oz of grapefruit juice
Third step:
Shake it up baby now...shake it up baby...twist and shout
Fourth step:
Drink up!
A really good margarita
I come today to tell you that buying that bucket of sandy margarita mix was a bad decision. What exactly is in that powder? Here's a fresh margarita for little to no cost (besides the tequila) for you.
Step one:
Make your simple syrup.
1 cup plain jane sugar
1 cup water
On pour it in a pan, heat it up, let it come to a rolling boil, whisk that sugar so it melts.
Remove from heat.
Pour in a big ole fat jar and fridge it baby. It needs to get COLD - so let it sit in there an hour or so.
Step two:

1 lemon
1 lime
Ready, set, juice them! Both juices in one container. Juice the hell out of them you need that nectar of the dental devils!
Step three:
When the syrup is cold...
When the juices are ready....
Get a jar
Put some ice in it
Salt the rim if ya wanna (not me, yucko)
1 shot of tequila
1 shot simple syrup
1/2 shot lemon lime juice
(That's for you proper people)
Goddess Nectar
This is a pretty drink - and most of you know this drink well. It is Sangria! We love Mexican Wine!
1 orange cut in halves or circles
1 lemon cut in halves or circles
1/2 cup of strawberries halved
1 bottle of White Zin of your choice (just try to steer clear of that cheap rubbing alcohol at Walmart)
1/2 cup white rum (which Brownie despises but you need for this drink....only drink dark people)
Lemon Lime soda of your choice
In a very large and pretty glass pitcher or jug place every bit of your fruit
Next pour in your wine
Then pour in your rum
You can opt to stir a bit/mash a bit or you can just cover it and put it in the fridge for a night
When you serve this up the next day (lets say you run out of coffee and you need something to get you going this may just be the answer.....hahaha I make myself laugh).....top each glass off with your lemon lime soda (so fill the glass 3/4 full with the sangria and then the last 1/4 should be soda) and you can thank me later.
All that drinkin' can only mean one thing - you better get your eat on baby!
From Kathy in Tennessee:
This is too easy chicken, no this is too good chicken, no this is too easy and too good chicken. She emailed me that....so I have renamed it (at her approval):
Kathy's Orgasmic Chicken (Affectionate acronym KOC)
I haven't tried it but she was so adamant about this I had to post it. After my 7th grade humor kicked in how could I not?
You need:
4 boneless, skinless, chicken breasts
1/2 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
Salt & Pepper
Preheat your oven to 425 - or - crock pot it - or grill.
Oven prep:
Mix items 2-4 together
Cover the meat in s&p (more p than s)
Drench the chicken in the mustard sauce
Bake 30-35 minutes (internal temp goal is 145)
Crock Pot:
Throw it all in for three hours on low.
See the oven prep? Do everything but put it in the oven. Brownie says that you should use the sauce as a baste if grilling.
I hope you reach a palate of O-my goodness yumminess haha.
Summer Stir Fry (Midwest Style)
I don't know about you but I am a huge fan of the Oklahoma Redhead named Ree Drummond. You may know her as the Pioneer Woman on Food Network. She's an author, cowboy's wife, animal lover, mom, and a dang good cook. I am sharing one of her awesome recipes that I think should be a staple this summer for us all! Enjoy her site - it is fabulous!
Here's the link through Yummly.com (remember them?)
Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Quesadilla
And one more from my favorite Pioneer Woman. My gosh...I need to make this tomorrow! When I do I will share, via blog, with you all about it.
Link thanks to Yummly.com (remember them again?)
Ok you're ready to start your summer eating and drinking now. I have one pin for you....this is for drinks the kids can also enjoy.
Before I share the pin I have to be an adult and do my responsibility talk:
If you're going to consume alcohol be responsible for yourself. Do not ever drink and drive. Plant your tail bones in a yard chair sip and enjoy and when it is time to go somewhere make sure it is only a few yards behind you and a few doors to go through.
Ok - summer drinks for the little and big ones -
Great site: Midwest Living (yes it is the heartland's Southern Living). Here's a link to 15 summer drinks!
Be good to your kitchen skills -
Share it!
A little bidney first. I've been sharing my little workout thing with you guys and strive to lose some poundage. Well a big day today - I posted on FB & Twitter. I am wearing pre-pregnancy clothes and they aren't the larger size! I attribute my success thus far to - 1. Drive 2. Determination 3. Body Pump 4. Calories under control 5. Cardio.
I'm an addict - to sweating.
Second - You guys can skip this and go on to drinking if ya want! Some of you caught wind of this issue here about a high school. My gosh you guys its so out of control stupid! I want to preface this with this message: I hate politics. I don't care if it is elephant or donkey I just hate it all. We pay these people to smile and lie to us - sickening. The Bible talks about political systems and it basically says that they are corrupt (I'll get that passage for you asap) yet we need to just go along with it and keep faith number 1.
Ok preface done. I am so over the Republican party. Look, I'm not trying to lose blog readers I'm just venting my feelings and I'm not alone. I am a southern girl who has a moderate view. I come from a long line of straight ticket reps but this girl is not one of those. I'm not an Obama Lover and I'm not a Republican Lover - I'm a common sense, get the job done right girl and neither side seems to be able to understand that.
Today I read that an elected rep for our district in NC - who grew up in this community - voted against education. His mom was a teacher. Slap, sting, burn, ouch. Oh well she's retired what should he care about it. I imagine the undisclosed amount of money that lined his back pocket allowed him to vote to put the control of education in the hands of ill-willed county commissioners. Commissioners who are long overdue for coronary blockages due to the high levels of shit they are filled with. Then again coronary pertains to the heart and these people lack that muscle...they're all just big lumps of adipose tissue wasting society's time and money.
This is why the Republican ticket is falling apart across the board. They aren't out of touch with the mainstream - they just don't care about the mainstream population. They don't give a left foot about what is best for people other than their own buddies and themselves. Notice - it is not just in Washington but in every small municipality across this crumbling nation.
Education down the tube thanks to bad election choices.
I hope the teachers say enough is enough. Maybe Private schools will start paying good money (which isn't hard to beat considering what the government sets teacher pay at) so the teachers can give the government controlled schools a big fat --- forget you!
All I can end with is this - new blood. New blood in the government on the local, state, and federal level. It is time to out every person sitting and get them replaced with fresh ideas, good plans that can come to fruition, and a required -working- common sense area of the brain. You know....bring back the George Washington mentality who felt being paid to be the president was a crazy idea and serving your country to the best of your ability was the basis for your job and your heart was for your country and countrymen.
End of rant.
Lets drink!
Here we go with Summer Prep Day 4! It is all about food and drink so lets get started!
Summer screams out a few words at me:
More tequila!
More RUM!
Then I hear word such as:
Pina Colada!
Holy pepita!
Sometimes other words come to me:
Who is thirsty now? For this special Summer Prep I urge you to get rid of the frilly coo coo glasses and go buy a case of mason jars. Nothing says simple, summer pleasure as much as the glass of the summer. Mason, Atlas, Ball it doesn't matter - they are inexpensive and make drinking iced tea, cool water, or a cocktail that much better. Get some fun straws while you are at it.
Here are some great and cheap fixes for your summer buzz -
Salty Chihuahua
For this you need:
Orange Liqueur
Grapefruit Juice
This is so easy and so good.
First step:
You need some ice in that glass
Second step:
3oz of tequila (it doesn't matter what you buy if you cannot afford Patron grab some Jose....just watch yourself around Pepe he can be pretty gnarly).
1.5oz of orange liqueur (your choice who cares who makes it)
7.5oz of grapefruit juice
Third step:
Shake it up baby now...shake it up baby...twist and shout
Fourth step:
Drink up!
A really good margarita
I come today to tell you that buying that bucket of sandy margarita mix was a bad decision. What exactly is in that powder? Here's a fresh margarita for little to no cost (besides the tequila) for you.
Step one:
Make your simple syrup.
1 cup plain jane sugar
1 cup water
On pour it in a pan, heat it up, let it come to a rolling boil, whisk that sugar so it melts.
Remove from heat.
Pour in a big ole fat jar and fridge it baby. It needs to get COLD - so let it sit in there an hour or so.
Step two:
1 lemon
1 lime
Ready, set, juice them! Both juices in one container. Juice the hell out of them you need that nectar of the dental devils!
Step three:
When the syrup is cold...
When the juices are ready....
Get a jar
Put some ice in it
Salt the rim if ya wanna (not me, yucko)
1 shot of tequila
1 shot simple syrup
1/2 shot lemon lime juice
(That's for you proper people)
Goddess Nectar
This is a pretty drink - and most of you know this drink well. It is Sangria! We love Mexican Wine!
1 orange cut in halves or circles
1 lemon cut in halves or circles
1/2 cup of strawberries halved
1 bottle of White Zin of your choice (just try to steer clear of that cheap rubbing alcohol at Walmart)
1/2 cup white rum (which Brownie despises but you need for this drink....only drink dark people)
Lemon Lime soda of your choice
In a very large and pretty glass pitcher or jug place every bit of your fruit
Next pour in your wine
Then pour in your rum
You can opt to stir a bit/mash a bit or you can just cover it and put it in the fridge for a night
When you serve this up the next day (lets say you run out of coffee and you need something to get you going this may just be the answer.....hahaha I make myself laugh).....top each glass off with your lemon lime soda (so fill the glass 3/4 full with the sangria and then the last 1/4 should be soda) and you can thank me later.
All that drinkin' can only mean one thing - you better get your eat on baby!
From Kathy in Tennessee:
This is too easy chicken, no this is too good chicken, no this is too easy and too good chicken. She emailed me that....so I have renamed it (at her approval):
Kathy's Orgasmic Chicken (Affectionate acronym KOC)
I haven't tried it but she was so adamant about this I had to post it. After my 7th grade humor kicked in how could I not?
You need:
4 boneless, skinless, chicken breasts
1/2 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
Salt & Pepper
Preheat your oven to 425 - or - crock pot it - or grill.
Oven prep:
Mix items 2-4 together
Cover the meat in s&p (more p than s)
Drench the chicken in the mustard sauce
Bake 30-35 minutes (internal temp goal is 145)
Crock Pot:
Throw it all in for three hours on low.
See the oven prep? Do everything but put it in the oven. Brownie says that you should use the sauce as a baste if grilling.
I hope you reach a palate of O-my goodness yumminess haha.
Summer Stir Fry (Midwest Style)
I don't know about you but I am a huge fan of the Oklahoma Redhead named Ree Drummond. You may know her as the Pioneer Woman on Food Network. She's an author, cowboy's wife, animal lover, mom, and a dang good cook. I am sharing one of her awesome recipes that I think should be a staple this summer for us all! Enjoy her site - it is fabulous!
Here's the link through Yummly.com (remember them?)
Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Quesadilla
And one more from my favorite Pioneer Woman. My gosh...I need to make this tomorrow! When I do I will share, via blog, with you all about it.
Link thanks to Yummly.com (remember them again?)
Ok you're ready to start your summer eating and drinking now. I have one pin for you....this is for drinks the kids can also enjoy.
Before I share the pin I have to be an adult and do my responsibility talk:
If you're going to consume alcohol be responsible for yourself. Do not ever drink and drive. Plant your tail bones in a yard chair sip and enjoy and when it is time to go somewhere make sure it is only a few yards behind you and a few doors to go through.
Ok - summer drinks for the little and big ones -
Great site: Midwest Living (yes it is the heartland's Southern Living). Here's a link to 15 summer drinks!
Be good to your kitchen skills -
Share it!
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