Oh is it Monday or what? Luckily, its a really bright and sunny day so that should make one very happy. Unless you have an eye that is battling some type of infection. Yes....the joys of eye issues. Today I am sporting my coke bottle thick glasses and I'm looking like I just lost my best friend and dog all in the same day. I cannot stop the watering of my right eye, its blood shot and light is making for a lot of pain!
I had to take my little boy for his six month appointment today so I thought I'd run the eye by the doctor. She examined me said it was conjunctivitis and then told me to make an appointment to get medicine.
I am not kidding.
Trying hard to not channel Mean Brownie I said - "Well I really don't want this to be something I pass to the baby. It seems a drop or ointment would be a good idea as soon as possible." She ignored me.
Pissed? Slightly. I kept Mean Brownie in check and said no more.
Here is a natural remedy I read while searching for answers as to why it wasn't so imparative to get an antibiotic. I did this and it did help with the symptoms. I'm actually looking forward to repeating it - it feels great!
Asian Girl's Tea Treatment for Conjunctivitis
Pop a tea bag (regular is fine) in a mug with water - nuke it for 2 minutes.
Take the tea bag out
Let the tea sit until it cools to just above room temperature
Take three cotton balls and dip into the tea
Gently massage the lids with the cotton balls
The nap
As I said I was there for the baby's six month check up. He's a champ! Yay for good health.
Moving right along to today's blog topic for cleaning up! This little series is brought to you due to the only factoid that more people start spring cleaning in the latest weeks of winter than in the actual spring!
Today I want to honor all those women who work outside of the home. Sometimes - I miss those days. Hats off to you ladies who hit the ground running, sliding on your panty hose or work boots, getting the kids off to daycare or the dog to um well doggycare, pressing the gas pedal a little too much so you don't get there late.....again! Kudos to you ladies who work the day away behind a desk, on a ladder, at a register, in a classroom, on your feet. To those of you who between the hours of 5pm and 9pm feel as if you are in a twister. I respect you all just as much as I do the other SAHMs.
The last thing anyone wants to do after a long day at work is actually tidy up their home. I remember coming home from work and wanting nothing more than a beer and a meal and a bath and a pillow. I also remember looking at my house thinking - damn I need to get this clutter gone.
If you are anything like me you cannot stand clutter. It haunts you as you try to eat dinner with the family, it sneaks up on you as you toy with the idea of watching television, it grabs your attention while your five year old is trying to explain why today was so awesome.
It just plain sucks.
So here's my little personal solution to uncluttering in 30 minutes.
Things you need:
A trash can
A laundry basket
Disinfectant wipes (Target Up & Up - go to their website and click on coupons and print $2 off any two Up & Up cleaning products. You can get two rolls for 1.79...yeah 90 cents per container!)
A smart phone or kitchen timer
The trash can - is with you in each room you enter so you can easily toss anything trash worthy in file thirteen. No going in another room to trash anything because now the trashcan is with you. Think of it as your remarkable partner in crime!
The laundry basket is for those items that do not belong in whatever room you are in (i.e. my child's Barbies do not belong in the kitchen). You may want to throw another laundry basket into the mix to put dirty clothes in should you have a child like mine who decides to strip down in any room other than the bedroom and immediately change into a bathing suit/princess dress/etc.
Disinfectant wipes to wipe down surfaces that may need to be de germed (from booger fingers). I wipe down my computer, tv(s), door knobs, counters, and telephones daily.
A smart phone with a timer on it or a kitchen timer. You get five minutes per room - and your timing yourself! Set your stop watch for five minutes and get to crackin'! You will be surprised at how awesome your home looks after just spending five minutes in each room.
When the trash is in the can, the stuff that doesn't belong is out of the room, and surfaces are wiped down it looks great! You should also spend those five minutes throwing what belongs in the room in the bins/drawers/space it belongs in.
I do this every other day and it takes me about twenty minutes to bust through.
You won't need five minutes for everyroom of the house so if you have extra time on the clock go ahead and move into another room. You can reset the clock to five minutes for the room after the left over time runs out on you.
I have found this to be totally effective! It also a great tool at teaching small children the concept of five minutes. Think about how many times you have said to them - "Ok five more minutes," and they look at you like ummmmm. Now they can experience what five minutes really is! It also makes for a great game - you know to make tidying up fun.
Husbands generally do not mind this style of cleaning because it is quick and to the point (man mindset).
But I need to vacuum.
Ok that is fine. Cart your vacuum in and give yourself and extra two minutes on the stop clock.
Remember this is for daily tidying up not for deep cleaning.
Recycle what you can easily recycle in your area. Most places gladly accept the following:
Aluminum (pays if you take it to a metal recycling center)
Some areas will also accept:
Aerosol cans
Recycling will knock your trash pile down by a lot! It will also help your carbon foot print drop a size or two.
OK time to end this blog today. She's been mentioned several times - here's my little girl who makes lots of messes and slacks at the cleaning up!
Tomorrow we'll feature cleaning out the cabinets. Stop peeing yourself with joy. I'll also have a recipe for steaks for you.
Until we meet again -
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