I can only hope your weekend was a bit better than mine. No, I didn't have a horrible weekend but it could have went a tad bit better as far as my gastrointestinal tract goes.
So I can't really indulge in dairy....and maybe I've known this for a long time....and maybe by long time I mean close to 17 years.
Friday I woke up in some kind of weird pain. It was gas....ouch. I also had many frequent belches of what seemed to be straight sulfur coming up. (Are you grossed out yet?)
I phoned the doctor after a couple hours. I gave a quick synopsis of all things I had ingested in the past 48 hour period. Common factor: dairy.
I had been skipping ice cream and milk and only having those here and there but it was the cheesy dishes I had been making and the pumpkin spice lattes I had been enjoying that were waging war against me.
A few packets of Lactaid and a box of Gas X and eventually I'd be back to normal.
The height of the hell that is lactose allergy or lactose intolerance came around noon on Friday. I seriously thought I was in labor. For any of you who thought you'd go it minus any pain medication do you remember when the pain really started kicking in? It was that pain that made you think: If I can just get up and move I'll be ok. Um yeah....I experienced that for about an hour. However, I was behind the wheel.
Saturday was ok....still had the burps and due to the gas coming from the rotting dairy in my gut I wasn't too terribly hungry.
It was the wee hours of Sunday morning that the final battle was fought. I woke up at 12:50AM and knew that the nazi facist in my stomach was about to go down in flames. I made my way to the bathroom and stuck my head into the toilet. Ever want to puke so bad you're begging God to help you vomit? Yeah that was me.
Finally....out came the vile mess of cow byproduct. I cleaned myself up, brushed my teeth, grabbed some water and made my way to the couch.
The remaining dairy hell would exit my system later in the morning and would leave me feeling happy yet super weak. I napped for just under two hours and that is so not Brownie to do. After getting up and showering I probably could have slept the rest of the day. I don't think my hubs would have been too thrilled about that though.
So why am I sharing this dairy diary hell with you? So you do not go to Web MD and get some screwball "GO TO THE MORGUE NOW YOU ARE DYING" alert.
I have been sensitive to dairy for a long time but I just chose to stay away from it. As years have passed I've not paid too much attention to my dairy intake having ingrained in my brain that I cannot have a lot of it. The moral of the story is if you have an issue with anything and think you are handling it ok you may need to take a step back and check yourself! I had been cooking with more dairy and devouring more dairy based drinks (thanks fall) and therefore I was setting myself up for a really bloated, painful, dreadful few days.
With fall now being here (officially) we'll be pleasing our palate with a lot more not so good for you treats. Pumpkin pie, muffins, cake, cookies, etc. Apple pie, cake, cookies, bread, etc. Every type of candy made under the sun (thanks Halloween). Those listings don't even compare to what we find within our reach when November rolls around.
Be cautious as you snack, drink, and eat this fall. We always talk about watching our waistline but we need to watch the lining of our tum tums too.
Here's to keeping your tummy intact!