Sunday, November 1, 2015

Lists 10 & 11

Here’s how the 10th month bucket list ended up…

1.  Attend one or two "new to me" fall festivals.  - Did not happen, but that is ok.

 2.  Have fall pictures made of the babies.  Totally happened.

3.  Go to a football game.  Rocked that bad boy out!  My Wolfies beat Wake 35-10 and we were there!

4.  Attend the State Fair.  Annnnnnnt.

5.  Have a bonfire.  Annnnnt

6.  Invite friends over for a potluck.  Moved to November.

7.  Date night.  The football game dubbed as this.

8.  Craft night with my bestie should be completed!  Woo hoo we did!  We shall again!

9.  See a movie.  Paddington, on the couch, with the kids.

10.  Plan and carry out a fun Halloween evening for my kids.  It was planned but not carried out due to a nasty stomach virus that ripped me apart and then took over my husband.  He's still battling it today.

11.  Make a pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and sweet potato pie.  I hope pumpkin pie bars count!!!

12.  Decorate pumpkins.  Times three darling.

13.  Make cookies every Friday with the kids.  Two Fridays of that out of what...five?

I expressed that I really like October.  Well, November is better than October because it is my birthday month it is the last month before the craziness of the holidays hit!  It is also the home to my favorite holiday and favorite traditions.  Christmas is nice but seriously - Thanksgiving is where it is at.

I have a very tiny bucket list for this month to share...

  • A fun birthday away
  • Another craft date night with my bestie and maybe a new face or two
  • To keep my house in tip top shape
  • Flu shot
  • A fabulous Thanksgiving break
  • A wonderful first time Friendsgiving (post coming soon)
  • Successful cleaning out of the clutter I'm finding more and more of (thanks offspring!)
How about you?  What are your goals for November?  Please share with me.


  1. Oh no...the stomach bug is the worst! Sorry your Halloween was a bust. I love the idea of Friendsgiving! I have time to plan one myself??

  2. Nothing so far, but we'd like to get away again! Hopefully they figure out why husband is sick soon so he gets well enough to go.


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