Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday Thinkin'

Linked up with Meagan.....let's do this.

I think....

Last weekend's camping trip was fabulous even though we now have major vehicle issues.  #istilllovecamping

I hate vehicle issues.  Seriously, we do not need to have to buy a new vehicle right now, ya'll.  #damn

I wish money did grow on trees.  #pleasemommy

I purchased my mom's Mother's Day gift and I think she'll be confused as to what it is.  #typical

Isn't it odd that I purchased my dad's birthday gift and my mom's Mothers Day gift at the same time, in the same store, and they are divorced?  I don't know I think its funny.  #justmethinkin


Proud of myself for getting back into my healthy state.  I went a while being unhealthy and not caring.  I totally notice how crappy I am as a human being when I'm not taking better care of myself. #sweatbabysweat

It was so awesome to get to see my bestie since college yesterday at the MCD Play Place.  Yep that's how we roll.  #fromcollegetogrownupwithkids

Can I admit that I'm seriously bummed we have to give up our Parent's Night Out this month.  I don't want to say why because you'll throw tomatoes at me.  #spoiledabit

I spilled a bit of my heart in Monday's post on where I am in the mother-hood.  I thought I'd get more feedback than I did.  Sometimes you do feel so alone.  #hardstuffgoodstuff

You should teach me how to make my blog more profitable.  #please

We didn't cinco de mayo.  That's just unAmerican.  #riceandbeansforever


I need to make my grocery list and go this evening to the said grocery palace.  I'm just not motivated.  I already put up the May Menu if you're interested.  #imadeiteasy

I am off to hang out with my favorite first graders today as we travel to the Greensboro Sciquarium.  It is a great place to check out.  I'm a sucker for a zoo/aquarium.  #godgivemepatienceandagoodgroup


You are so incredibly made and fabulous, I appreciate you for coming by.  Have an awesome day.  #yourock

                                                          Beautiful Things



  1. Found you through a link up.

    Your mom sounds like my mom from the #typical. She's been thinking of getting a smart phone, but I don't know if she could handle it. And good for your for getting healthy! I'm trying to too, but lord it's hard, ever since I had Sophie, it's been tough. Just no time at all.

    Liz → {sundays with sophie}

  2. Your camping post is so legit!! Definitely in style :) I hear you with the whole *money growing on trees* thing....but everything will work out!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)

    1. LoL I'm glad you liked to camping post! We had a blast. I'm an outdoor chick so ya know! Thanks for the positivity!!!!!!!!!!

  3. "I spilled a bit of my heart in Monday's post ... I thought I'd get more feedback than I did. Sometimes you do feel so alone." I promise I read it but didn't think I could add anything of value - the spirit was willing but there's no good in talking for the sake of talking :(

  4. Vehicle issues are THE WORST!! Good luck!


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