Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Merry Christmas

Today is a busy and fun day for many of us.

Tonight will be a special time of family, food, friends, and making memories.  Its also a time of faking how good some of the questionable casseroles are.

I wish you ease at getting your little ones to sleep in their anticipation of a man who breaks into houses and leaves lovely treasures.

I wish you peace as you put together insane small pieces while reading directions printed only in the one language you have never heard of.

I hope your Christmas morning is filled with nothing but warmth and happiness and delicious bacon or facon if you're into that.

I wish you a Christmas of no headache or worries and if they should fall upon you I hope you have a bottle of pinot stashed.

I hope your holiday fills you up with peace, goodwill, and thankfulness.  If you find that dealing with Aunt Gertie is too much, I pray your doctor slipped a happy pill in your stocking.

As the night falls on your Christmas evening I hope you will be filled with the light reminiscent of the first Christmas and your happiness and love show through with no words necessary.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

From our finished and fresh home to your very own.

Until 2015....

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