Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Randomness: July

Lately I've been thinking....

Be weird. Be Random. Be who you are. Because you never know who could love the person you hide.:

...that I hate how the close of July 4th is retail's cue to pull out everything back to school and fall, um no!

...I haven't been to the beach in two months and I feel the side effects.  Time to pack.  At the same time I'm kind of scared because the seas of Myrtle Beach are covered in bacteria?!?!  This is yet another reason why I will miss Ocean Isle.

You are about to exceed the limits of my medication.

...My son is a walking wreck while my daughter is a walking yard sale. He falls and scrapes, bruises, cuts himself from clumsiness.  She carries an arsenal of stuff and drops it here and there like she's making a chaotic Hansel & Gretel trail to the pit of no where.

...Cashing in my Ibotta.  I want to but then again I want to let it be and cash it in at another time.

...I should clean houses in retro dresses and heels.  That would be a work out of epic proportions.

....Why the crap haven't I charged my Fitbit in two months?

Just do small things with great love.  Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Be it folding laundry, writing a love note, or taking a walk together at the end of a long day- serve one another with love:

...I signed up to help with what used to be called Sunday School back in the day.  I haven't had anything to do with church youth programs since I was totally burned out at our old church.  Part of me is super excited about and the other part of me is like oh, man.  I also signed up to help with VBS as a floater.  Oh, man.  Ever feel pulled but pessimistic at the same time?  I know it is worth it and I'll have a great time it's just getting there and getting involved.

...How is it possible to be 34 and feel like you're still 24?  Well I like it.  I do not like how I have had strep throat now twice in as many months.  Am I five years old?

...and that's it for now!

Do you have something random on the brain?  Share it!


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