Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What's Up Wednesday (March '16)

Here are the questions...

Here are my answers!

We are eating...whatever I pull out of the cabinet!  Ha!  How is that for a menu plan?  Seriously, I'm out of the cooking mode.  I can tell you we had salmon on Monday.  Tuesday brats or something.  Wednesday chicken.  I'm sure there will be pizza coming at us one night.  I'm just over it!  The other day while grocery shopping I thought the cooking bug was hitting me again but it was just a mirage.  Get the grill out I'm done!

I'm reminiscing about being a kid and having spring break.  My kids are on spring break right now and I'm jealous!  The Diva is enjoying half day swim camp and Little Man is soaking up all the time he can with mom and dad and sis.  They are just too precious.  I can admit that being an adult this lack of regular schedule is killing me.  I try to be a bit more lenient during holidays from school and remember they are only this age once.  That explains why I let them play in red mud on Monday. HA!  So far we have enjoyed a bunch of outside time and that is beautiful!

What I'm loving is the fact that spring is nearly in full tilt.  We have had so much outdoor play time and I got to work in my flower beds a bit - hooray!  It isn't planting time where I live in Zone 7 of NC.  I have to wait another 6 weeks to plant things safely but boy am I itching to fill up a cart with flowers and get my hands in the dirt!  Lately, a lot of people have been on their mowers - not us.  We want a jungle feel around our house.  Just kidding!  We cannot do much with our yard yet due to big land projects.

We've been up to...playing outside, a mini get away, switching up our closets from winter to summer.  Ohhh yeah good stuff!  You can read about 40 Hours in Savannah here.

I am currently not dreading anything.  OK maybe that brief run in with my husband when he's not slept appropriately in a few days.  That is scary.

I'm working on my spring bucket list.  Very slowly!  We hope to check a biggie off the list in the next 7-14 days.  More info to come!?

Excited about April because we just may get to drop a line in a river or pond and see what bites!  The kids got fishing rods for Easter so I'm ready to go!  Also, I look forward to weekends starting in April - with the extended daylight it means more porch sitting, bonfire possibilities, and friends.

I'm watching nothing but I am gearing up for another season of Southern Charm!  I'm reading nothing.  I just cannot get in the mood to read.  This is typical; in May I'll be back to the books.

Sam Hunt is all up in my ears.  I'm always late to the party on new musicians and to be honest I hated him when he first arrived on the scene.  He is a pop singer not a country singer but now he has grown on me and I love his pop music, lol yes. However, this idea of burning a house down is really getting old.  I swear the last time I watched CMT there were five videos back to back of residences being burned down.  Time for a new idea, guys.  Oh and...  I am happy to report I'm easing off the Beiber.

My favorite shirt - from Gap, freaking love it.  I don't put myself in the blog much so surprise, there I be!

I'm wearing shorts and t-shirts or dresses and cardigans (work).  My closet is switched out to summer - needless to say I'm a happy girl.  I'm hoping to purchase another pair of cute Roman style sandals - they are my addiction.  Recently, I got some great second hand buys.  I have really loved wearing them!

Scattered ShowersSunny

This weekend in Brownie World I'll be (hopefully, weather permitting) working in my yard to prep it for some grading work.  Also, I'll be finalizing my items for a kid's clothing exchange at our church (hit up Hillsdale on the 8th!)  I can imagine I'll be catching up on laundry and maybe, just maybe grilling out!

April will quickly be here and you know I'm excited about that.  I just like April and cannot pinpoint why.  Maybe it is the fact the mercury rises a little more, we get to enjoy all the sunshine, I can be outside without freezing..whatever it is I love it.

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