Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring Cleaning: From the windows to the walls!

I think I have properly prepped you for diving into spring cleaning.  We de-cluttered, discussed cleaners I love, and I gave you tips to keep the house clean every day.  Now let's just get our hands and knees a little dirty.

Here's my step my step set of things to do first.  These are the same things I do in an intial cleaning of my client's homes.

Dare I say baseboards are the most abandoned part of the home?  They are installed and then you furnish a room and somehow just forget them.  Your baseboards are crying out to you for a good cleaning.  Now is the time!

You have two options with these guys:
1.  Warm soapy water and a cloth
2.  All purpose spray cleaner and a cloth

You just pick which one your prefer.  I will say that I don't like dealing with water so I opt for a spray cleaner.  Most baseboards are wooden so furniture polish works wonders.

Spray them down and wipe, wipe, wipe.

For crayon or scuff marks try to use a Magic Eraser.

The cousin to the baseboard - we know they are there but so many times we just let ourselves put them out of our minds.  Windowsills aren't an ex lover they are there and they are not moving.  Wipe them out the same way you did the baseboard or use a warm soapy water mix.

You can go ahead and clean the windows now if you wish!

Please buy an extender ceiling cleaner (Swiffer is the one I have and I like it).  Make sure when you purchase it it is for ceiling fans as well.  Sure you can use a stick and a sock - not lying someone told me that - but let's try to be a little better at cleaning our high spots this go around!

Take account of your wall status.  Walls can catch dust, hair, and anything the kids throw on them.  Washing walls is a good chore to have once or twice a year.  If you are prone to allergy issues or sinus infections make sure you get your walls wiped down once every month or two.

Ceiling Fans
The mothership of dust and allergens.  The blades on these guys can get caked in dust and dirt.  Dust the blades and wipe down the light fixtures for that that have them!

That's enough for this week :)  Happy cleaning!

See you all on Wednesday.

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