Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Scorpios Unite!

Scorpios, like me, are all about some celebrating now and for the next few weeks.  I have never been into "signs" much but I have always read my horoscope out of common interest.  I thought I would delve into my sign a little and get educated on how "typical" I am as a Scorpio.  My findings - I'm a dead ringer for all things Scorpio.

What you need to know about Scorpio women. For more zodiac fun facts, click here.

Scorpio Strengths:  Loyalty, Resourcefulness, Passionate, Observant, and Dynamic.

Loyal - Like a dang Labrador.  The only catch with me is you have to gain my loyalty - which unlike the lab means you have to do more than give me some kibble and scratch my ears.  I apparently fit the mold of a Scorpio because I have to see you as a deep down good person for you to gain my loyalty.  However, once I see it then I gotcha back and you don't need to worry because I'll always have it.

Resourceful - In the event you haven't heard:  I am the self proclaimed queen of the tightwads.  Don't get me wrong I like nice things but I will use what is at my fingertips and around my house before I drop some loot.  Oh and if I'm working on a project then you best expect a call if I know of that secret talent you have stashed away.  It won't be secret for long because I'll be getting you a spotlight and tap shoes.

Passionate - Don't get me on any of my twenty-seven soap boxes.  Ashley, you have the evidence.  Oh and watch out because she is also a Scorpio.

Observant - Many times the first impression of me is "arrogant" and the reason is I don't say much when I first meet someone.  I sit back and take it all in.  Yes, I'm a creeper, watching you like a hawk and listening to you like I'm CIA.  It isn't arrogance. It is protecting both of us from what could be a really bad incident.  You're welcome.

Dynamic - Now watch me flex... Seriously, I can play different roles and I'm not talking about that you freak.  It all comes from being a total control freak.  That is the best way to sum up a Scorpio - control freak.

Weaknesses: Jealous, Obsessive, Suspicious, Manipulative, and Unyielding.

Jealous - I am that girl.  I have a jealous bone the size of South America.  I don't get jealous of items or people but I get jealous of memories and that is horrible.  If you can relate to this then you know straight up what it is like to have this Achilles heal.

Obsessive- I do obsess over crap but I've learned to drop it like it is hot.  That took a lot of hard work to do.  I'll give myself a pat on the back.  And yeah sometimes I find myself in old ways.  OK dammit I am working on this still.

Suspicious - Everyone in my view is suspect....family, neighbors, friends, strangers - I'm watching you all like hawks and trying to assess the game you are trying to play (even if you are seriously the kindest person in the world....yeah I have seen that game too.)  This is a bad, bad trait.  But it also is a very protective one to keep us all safe.  Maybe I should be on CSI.

Manipulative - I suck at manipulation.  I totally wish I was better at it...then I could go to law school :)  On the flip side of this - my daughter is a dang sorcerer of manipulation.  I live in fear.  (She is no Scorpio, either!)

Unyielding - I used to be a lot stronger than I am now.  Trust you me that I would not budge of anything and was a major beotch.  Sometimes I do just buckle because I have learned that can be important.  If you are constantly the iron woman you are going to weigh yourself down.  On the flip side with my kids and husband I am a freakin' fortress...back the hell up.

i can go from lady to ghetto in under 2 seconds:

Scorpios are fiercely independent.

Cue the Beyonce because that is ON POINT!  I am a very independent human being but I don't think that is just because I am a Scorpio.  No way, I'm independent because I'm also a first child and was an only child forever.  My nurturing allowed me to do things on my own (and like it).  I do have issues when it comes time to get in a group.  Look, I'm not lying when I say I can be a team player but I'm a much better team player when it is Team Me.

Scorpios are difficult to be friends with.

AMEN!  It takes a lot to build a friendship with me because I build so many barriers.  I think maybe that is why my best friend is also a Scorpio (first child, etc.)  I read that Scorpios hold grudges for life - that is true but this Scorpio learned the importance of forgiveness without forgetting.  Scorpios are constantly looking for the selfless good in people because that is who they will connect with.  I buy that.  If I can see through you then you need to get back to the wall you belong on.

Scorpios have honest and shocking sense of humor.

Well that shoe fits.  I have several friends who can attest to my blatant honesty and the insane $#it I say that gets you to laugh til you need to buy Depends - in bulk.

Scorpios are awesome at business and leadership.

Should have been in the know about that prior to college.  Ugh.  Maybe my second degree will be in this area...thoughts?

Scorpios are the most misunderstood of all signs.

Tis life.  I'm used to it.

I challenge you to find a Scorpio today and give them a big fat hug.


  1. Omg.
    That shirt. I NEED IT. #ratchetashell

    Happy Birthday season!

  2. i never knew so much about scorpios. I don't think i have any scorpio close friends anymore...i guess that proves the point of Scorpios are difficult to be friends with! LOL. Trish - tales from trish


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