Friday, October 2, 2015

H54F: Brr, Aghhh, Mmmwah!

From the week....

Skate night for my daughter's school started back this week.  That girl loves to skate but she has been quite the amateur and trying to just "get it" - this week she did!  She also won one of the little games they play on the rink.  That iced the cake.

I really hit overload and by Tuesday I was DONE!  Really, it takes me a while to adjust to changes and we have had several schedule and commitment changes over the past 30 days.  I'm learning to trim some things, breathe when I hold my breath, and never under estimate the power of a cup of coffee and couch cuddle.

First it was just a front bringing us loads of rain.  Now it is Hurricane Joaquin messing with our psyche.  I can deal with some rain (we were in a drought).  I cannot deal with days on end of rain.  Mama needs some sunshine and a date night!  To all my fellow East Coasters - stay safe this weekend!

One reason I love fall? Riding boots and skinny paired with a sweater.  My favorite staples of fall and winter.  Most of you know how much disdain I have for cold months so let this be part of the happy I work to find this year!

My post is late today....for good reason.  My husband and I were able to have some time together and we went out for breakfast and ran a few errands.  I miss that boy so bad but I know his job is wonderful for our family's future.  His birthday is next week...shhhh his presents will be here tomorrow!


  1. My post was late today too! But not because I was out to breakfast with the hubs, but more because I am super lazy and tired! I have been seeing that Hurricane Joaquin picture all over Facebook and laughing my head off every time I see it. Anyway, glad you got some quality time with the hubs and I hope you have a great weekend! xo

    1. Joaquin...mmm he was pretty cool before he took on the bear-man-who-lives-in-a-shack-making-bombs look.

  2. See, you had a date morning!! Lol!! That funny is so me and my Hubbs!! Love this Friday 5, you stay safe from Joaquin this weekend girl!!! Have fun and lots of laughter!!

    1. Yes, we did get a date morning haha I didn't think of it like that!

  3. Oh man that wine pic is me!!
    Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. Hooray for a date morning!! Starts the day off so nicely. I hear ya about schedule chaos and causing such anxiety. I am such a routine person, so when something changes, my whole day (or week, truthfully) gets thrown off. Hope you get some relaxing in this weekend, since we're all rained in. Boo.

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

    1. I.hate.schedule.chaos! Stay dry and warm!

  5. I love that wine cartoon. Lol that's me everyday!
    I would love to go roller skating! Such a fun time every time!
    Trish - tales from trish

  6. I love dates with the hubby like that! Always fun :) That is crazy about all your rain. We need rain so bad in Texas right now. Hopefully we get a little soon! Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Alexis @


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