So a long, long, long, long. long. long. long. long time ago on Mondays a blog bud friend (who is now retired and raising her two adorable cuties in that other Carolina) did a Monday, May I post just about every Monday. I did it too because it made me accountable (ya'll, that's my favorite word) for stuff I wanted to get done for the week.
Like I said, she retired and eventually I quit doing that Monday accountability post.
I decided I needed to get back to my Monday, May I posts. I mean look, with summer comes some laziness that I just can't deal with. OK, maybe I could deal with it in June but HELLO it is July. It is time to get a bit more "fire under my tail".
This week my
1. More exercise.
2. More water.
3. More devotion
4. Get the weekend planned.
I haven't been getting in the sweat equity I need to. I have been a lazy girl. Lazy girls aren't cool girls.
My water consumption has been fair. This week I am taking it back to spectacular. I may go back to my shakes too. Maybe....
More devotion to you my lovely friends and readers....just kidding. I'm devoted to you. Devotion in this challenge is more reading my Bible and my study book (that I got a couple months ago and totally did not finish. I didn't much care for the book (study book) but I'll give it another try before moving on.) I don't know about you but during the summer we slack on church. I will just be honest - its because we spend more time going and doing as a family and are off the regular routine of the school year. I don't foresee me hell bound for this (though you may and that's cool I'll just volunteer to drive the bus down if this is what condemns me). My daughter and I do a devotion together and that helps to keep me us in check.
Next weekend we have something to do that would be a lot easier as a couple and not as a couple plus two little people. Hopefully, I can {either} talk some family into watching the kids or at least get the sitter for a little more time than usual.
Alrighty, I feel great just putting these out there. Next Monday I'll go back over these and either give myself an A for passing or a F for failure.
Do you have anything you want to get accomplished this week? Share it!
I hate water. Seriously. Making me drink it is like forcing a child to take medicine. Ugh. But I need to drink more. I bought a cute Ello Vesi 360 glass bottle from Marshalls to FORCE myself to drink more. Tis pretty neat.