Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday Thinking & Things

It is link up time....I think....Stuff & Things.....Love Thursdays on the blog!

Beautiful Things  

I think....

Last Thursday, on the way home from picking our dog up from her cleaning appointment, my daughter started speaking biology (she wasn't aware of it but I was).  It had to do with how our dog (puggle) was from a mommy of one breed and a daddy of another breed.  That didn't matter.  The issue was how they got that puppy.  All I could think was.....oh crap she's seven this is not the age I was ready to talk about puppymaking with her.  LUCKILY something caught her attention and diverted our conversation away from puppies and mommies and daddies.  #thankyajesus #iaintready

My boy is addicted to Dum-Dums.  He may even show signs of withdrawals after a 24 hour period without them.  I hope he has great teeth.

Be The Message Small Group started last week.  I'm so thrilled.  Seriously, it is amazing how God works when you are in a group that is so ready to make ourselves better for Him.

It is sad I am excited over a toaster oven.

I need to fire up my blender for healthy things like...fruit infused mixed drinks.

Keeping things under wraps is hard to do.  Especially when its something BIG.  Hopefully I can delete this part of the post and put in good news.

Reading Gone Girl is taking me way too long.  I'm into it but I'm not.  I have to finish it.

That box in my laundry room is filled with empty wine bottles and makes me look like a major lush.#cheaperthanprescriptions

If I don't refer to my calendar on a daily basis I'm like Alzheimer's in waiting.  #uncool

My next read btw.
This book is getting more and more of my attention.  

My brain is at the beach.

My oldest is horribly, terribly, crippling shy.  Any advice?

And lastly...


  1. LOL!! This is cracking me up! I am totally with you on checking on the calendar! My boys love Dum Dums too!! and that awkward meme is hysterical!!! ;) Happy Thursday!

  2. your post made me laugh several times!!! i'm excited for you and your big news && there is nothing wrong with excitement over a toaster oven girl! thanks for linking up!!!

  3. It really is amazing how you can see God working in communities. I love my life group and so excited yours just started!!

  4. Kitchen appliances make me happy too! Own it girl! :)


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