Tuesday, October 21, 2014

5 lbs


Pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, sweet potato pie, chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin cookies, chocolate bars, Snickers, specialty fall coffees, comfort dinners, fat, calories, carbs, sugars....

Well that's the introduction to the holiday season.

To me it is.

I'm normally fab at keeping myself in check when it comes to eating sweets and fatty foods.  Not bragging I'm just pretty good at balancing my sweat equity with my sweet tooth.

This year I have noticed I am....shall we say....faultering.....screwing up.....not in zen with my sweat and sweets.

I can blame it on the following:

1.  The house.  C'mon its the perfect catch all since it has technically screwed me over.
2.  Another year of my life is up and coming.  The older you get the harder it is to maintain!  Didn't Weight Watchers or Moses say that?
3.  My bad choice to snack on Snickers, make tastey treats and slack on the sweat.

Ok the verdict is in all three win.

Starting today, two weeks before I turn 33, I vow to get my sweat production up and my chewing production down.  I can lose five pounds (what I have gained) by the time I turn 33.  

Just give me some support, K?

Dang if that ain't the truth....

Step 1:  Food journaling

See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You've got this! I also cracked up at the "didn't weight watchers or moses say that?" The way I work this, is I allow myself treats, but not to go overboard. If I deprive myself completely, it lasts not even a day. So maybe plot out what treat you're ALLOWED to have! Makes it much easier :)


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