Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Best Tuesday {EVER}

The Hump Day Blog Hop

Tuesday brought 70+ degree temperatures to my piece of North {by God} Carolina which left me feeling like this:

Fuck Yeah GIF 4

I had housework to do and since the little guy was sleeping peacefully I knew I should jump into it but God knows I just didn't want to do it because it was waaaayyyyy to nice outside!!!!!

Aint nobody got time for that GIFS

So I picked up my latest read - Mary Kay Andrews' Spring Fever and headed outside with my beach blanket, book, and raspberry lemonade.

And for an hour and a half I baked in the sun {yeah I know}, read six chapters, and sipped ice cold lemonade.

Bitch please Im fabulous GIFS

Damn it felt great!

Hope you can get some warm weather fabulous time for yourself too!


  1. Oh girl - yes!!! Was yesterday not the best?!!?!?!? I put the top down, ran outside, and had a bottle of vino on the patio of one of my favorite restaurants. Glad to see you enjoyed it too darling!


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