Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Three Things Tuesday!

There are three things on my mind today....

1.  House work schmouse work

I used to care about how my home looked.  I scrubbed the floor that was never going to look better.  I had the laundry put away.  I had the kitchen in good shape.  Yes all those sentences were in past tense.  It is for good reason thought....right?  Isn't it funny how now this house sees more traffic from strangers than ever and I don't give a crap about it?  Let them see it as its worst....in a few months it will be at its best....right?

2.  Military Funerals

My husband's grandpa was laid to rest yesterday.  He had fought in WWII so the funeral had some last military rights performed.  Of those included one was three shots.  The funeral was inside a mausoleum so we're surrounded by marble, concrete and granite.  Homeboy on the gun decided to fire it off at the door...needless to say I jumped about six feet out of my chair as I heard the kick back of the gun a mere 60 feet behind me.  Uncool guys....uncool.

3.  New boots

My birthday is a little over a month away and I'm thinking: hmm what do I want?
New boots.
I need some new rain boots and some new cowgirl boots.  I just totally hate the price tag on the latter one.  The other day I looked at boots and found that the fashionable ones weren't too appealing to me for reasons that include:
a) I am not a biker nor do I want to be associated with anything motorcycle-ish.
b) I am not a tramp and tramp feet are well....not for me.
c) I love riding boots but whats the point if you continually forget to buy some leggings or skinny fit jeans?

So there are my three. I'll see ya'll tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! So true! My house sees more visitors than ever, and it's the nastiest it has ever been!
    Oh, this chick right here would have peepee'd on herself with those gunshots. No, that is NOT cool.
    Confession time! I own no boots. Wait, I do have a pair of rain boots, but that doesn't count. I want boots, and I love looking at them, but when I try them on I feel like I look silly, so I never buy them. Weird, huh? Also, #1-6 of those boots you posted I would break my neck in. This lady needs a flat boot, ha.


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