Thursday, March 14, 2013

Social Conscious

March 14, 2013

This is why small towns get bad wraps.  This is the only time I will ever discuss this issue on my blog or "out there" for anyone to read.

Honesty hurts.

This county is outrageous.  For ten plus years I have heard the uneducated, ridiculous, illwilled banter of building a school.  A schoolA place of educationA learning facility A SCHOOL!  I can only pray those around us laugh wholeheartedly at how delightfully insane this county is.  I can only hope that this county wakes up from its stupor and decides to take charge of its government.

I have seen bumper stickers, magnets, t-shirts, websites, blogs, emails, articles, broadcast journalism pieces, radio discussion about a high school.

It has been a war waged that was at first East versus West then North versus South then have versus have nots.  It has been Days of Our Lives.  It has been embarassment!

I have heard one school pride.  I have heard two schools will divide.  I have heard about old people not wanting to pay extra taxes and young people paying the price.

Finally someone divised a good plan to build a new school and what exactly to do with the old one.  That's great can we get this moving along?


I am thirty-one years old and I have two children.  My children deserve the best public school education they can acquire in this county that gets high praise for its dedicated school system professionals and para professionals.  Every school in this county from William R Davie Elementary to Ellis Middle to Davie County High is a good school that offers children top notch educational instruction.  My children, just like my neighbor's, deserve to go to school in a safe, clean, up to date atmosphereThey do not deserve trailer park-esque buildings, rooms that aren't climate controlled, they do not deserve a football field that is paid more attention to than a science lab.  If I must tell you why I will....more children will grow up to get a job in the field of science than will grow up to be a tailback for the New England Patriots.

I am infuriated I live in a county that is not considered poor yet acts as if the tax hike for a new school will cause us all to live in Whirlpool boxes. 

The people who complain are the people who are out of touch and afraid.  It is time to accept that part of life is change.  Time does not stay in the moment - it passes very quickly.  What was once o.k. for education is now invalid and falling apart.  It is time for everyone to have a quick reality check and see that no matter where you move a fall football game to and no matter what memories you have from E building lobby - they are your memories.  It is time for people to see that even though they say they will not benefit from a school they actually WILL!  A good school brings in more families.  More residents mean more revenue.  More revenue means GROWTH.  Children know this lesson why do adults not?  It is time for change - forward thinkers - and movement.  It is time to realize your pettiness is making this situation look childish and futile.

Build the damned school.

Get fresh and YOUNG blood in the commissioner's chairs next go around.

I hope many lessons have been learned.

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